"Getty is Fact.
Getty is not a Conspiracy."
$ Paid Truthers can't say:
Steven D Kelley or Getty.
This Enemy has $$$
"All the Money in the World".
They use it to control the message.
Keep the masses from hearing about:
Children Under the Getty
Steven D Kelley
His Mission
"They won't sue me and they can't kill me"
Getty with Teams of Attorneys must ignore OccupyTheGetty.
This enemy understands energy.
They know when masses start having questions like, WTF Getty? Energy will flood in, minds wondering, prove by facts of so many puzzle peices.
"Fuck all that.
Open the DUMB Now.
Open the lower levels under the Getty."
"All of it.
Not a few token levels.
Levtrains and deeper.
Full Disclosure.
Shock the World"