A Clue To Watch For That Indicates Major SHTF Is About To Happen

One of my followers on BitChute, AlisterCrowley, pointed out that my video from 2018 might be worth folks seeing again. It's "HOW TO KNOW THINGS ARE ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN" and you can watch it via the link down below if you like.


In today's video, I bring in a small section from that video into a discussion more suited for our current situation. Enjoy!

Bank watch out TN.jpg

(Click the picture to watch the video)

Intro music: Magical Path by Alexander Blu


Catch me on:

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/squirrelbait/
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Email: squirrelbaitmail@gmail.com
Uptrennd: https://www.uptrennd.com/user/squirrelbait


What is happening is they are rounding up the Cabal. The Corona Virus is a cover to keep everyone freaking out distracted so they don't find out that Trump is draining the swamp. In the end, by early next year they will be rounding up Hillary and Obama.

You're not listening to QAnon are you? Sounds like something out of that psyop LARPing game.

Yes that came from the Q anons. I'm having a hard time buying it.

Yup, same old crap. Been going on for years now. You should have a hard time buying it. You're too smart .

I hope so but I will assume otherwise until I am proven wrong. I hope to be proven wrong. But I will try my best to help educate people on many different things. Trump is trying to drain the swamp. Trump is trying to take advantage of COVID as a way to lock more criminals up while globalists are distracted. I don't disagree with what Trump does and tries to do. But that does not mean Trump does not need our help at all to do many different things. I take that serious. So, I will assume the worse. I will expect the worse and accept the best. I try to do my best to help because better safe than sorry.

Have you heard anything about JFK being alive?

JFK jr?

No, JFK. JFK Jr. became JFK after his father was murdered. So there is no more JFK Jr.

I have heard different people talk about what may have happened but I don't know really.

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