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RE: All Satan Klaus Wants For Christmas… A Cyber PLANdemic, Digital Passport, And A Total Erosion Of Privacy

When you say just stop working stop paying your taxes it isn’t that f***ing easy Jeff! I have tried. They send the bully boys round to make you pay or they steal your stuff, its just NOT reality Jeff is it. If I even knew Bitcoin existed in 2010 believe me I would have bought a lot of it like you did, but most of us were not fortunate enough to buy at that time, thats one of the main reasons you are fortunate enough to be in the position you are in!
Still love your content, just quit with mocking us who pay taxes and don’t have enough money to move because we rent, if you want us to subscribe don’t mock your followers, were not all loaded already like you.
Im not jabbed and I get everything you say, BUT it isn’t as easy as you claim it is. Without your crypto holdings you would be working like the rest of us more than likely.
Don’t mock the hand that feeds you Jeff its not cool.