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RE: The Good Club Is Trying to Kill Almost Everyone On Earth

Read The Contagion Myth by Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell, also Virus Mania by Engelbrecht, Kohnlein, Bailey and Scoglio. Also read AIDS INC by Jon Rappoport.
These are just a few to get you going. If you prefer audio and video here is a link to several videos about virology on trial


So, what do you think about the chickenpox parties?

That's also explained in those books.

A brief explanation in your own words would be great. If viruses don't exist, what is the mechanism that makes many children that have been together become "toxic" at the same time?

Have you ever been around people that are happy,sad or even depressed? What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve!
The mind is very powerful!
Like an iceberg, the conscious mind is the piece you can see, but the subconscious is the part underneath and is capable of bringing just about anything into existence.

Just recommending books is not a good look when a simple explanation should suffice. That is very cultish.