
I bet the German citizens living in the towns outside the concentration camps often thought the same as you. ;)

Just because YOU don't choose to exercise your rights and you are compliant with all demands does not mean you haven't lost them. It could just mean that you are obedient.

Godwin’s Law says hello.

Never heard of this Godwin.

If comparisons are made, it is because people fear that narcissistic tendencies are spreading among the population. Which they may well be right about. The fact that a comparison with the Nazis triggers such indignation probably has to do with the fact that conditions are indeed not as they were at the very worst times in history. I think we can agree on that?

The horror scenarios can in fact not be confirmed by anyone.

However, those who get so worked up about the comparison being infamous forget that before the Nazis took events to extremes (gas chambers, concentration camps, murder), there was a run-up to this development. From somewhere, after all, the favourable circumstances that arose beforehand must have been realised. For example, dismissals, expropriations, closure of bank accounts, exclusion from business life. Until then, no one needed to shoot or murder or systematically cram victims into trains. It was enough to use bureaucratic and capitalist means against those whom one had marked as enemies.

That is what people are worried about. The careless handling of newly created rules, the compliance in the companies and administrations of cities and municipalities with regard to a flood of new ordinances that are obviously not known or known by most people.

So when the critics of the current measures use the comparison, they do not mean the mass killing camps, nor the Reichstag fire, nor the sacrifice of young soldiers as cannon fodder. What they mean are the signs of the previous developments, what is called in this country " resist the beginnings". Those who cannot or will not see the beginnings will pretend that the comparison refers solely to the deliberate, premeditated and cruel nature of the killing. At this time, it can go this or that way, we won't know until we know.

There can be no question of democracy if rulers seize the laws, install them by means of a declared state of emergency without going through the regular democratic instances and then, soon two years later, still claim that there is a national emergency. A state of emergency must be reviewed, evaluated and debated, it must come to an end. Here, however, speeches were made that read "the rules must not be questioned." Not to mention an oppositional review of the situation, since there is no strong opposition in parliament that dares to sharply attack the measures.

Indeed, the citizen who seeks to resist (the constant and progressive suspension of his rights) is vehemently, consistently labelled a Nazi or "right-wing" by the government-supporting media.

So how should someone who is called a Nazi consider himself? As someone who opens the gas valve? As a chaperone in a camp? As an administrative official who processes the cost accounts of the camp buildings, of the resources used? As a policeman who ensures that curfews are observed? As someone who reports a misdemeanour? As someone who reports a neighbour? As someone not knowing a colleague who goes against the rules and whose dismissal from work does not cause any discomfort?

Well, he can check himself and see how much he is in danger of becoming one. I think what could characterise someone to be able to become one is not to ask questions and not to raise doubts about the correctness of what is happening now. Of course, spoken in this way, this includes an insult. Nobody likes to be insulted, right?

that was the most profound comment i have read on Hive today. Nicely done.

Thanks, what a compliment.

Unfortunately, I oftentimes am not answered to. Happens a lot. But maybe it's also fortunate, who really knows? :)

Stop comparing that big old, nasty snowball from years ago; with this tiny little one we're nudging along.
They're completely different.


Lot's of platitudes and razors say "hello" frequently. The thing that those that like to retreat to pointing them out seem to miss is this...

they are not a law

nor are the always applicable...

Sometimes they are useful...

Other times they are simply an escape hatch used by the mentally lazy to justify engaging mental spam filters...

EDIT: In respect to Godwin's law in particular...

It does indeed tend to be a trend.

That doesn't mean in some cases it may not be the truth.

Bah... the sound of bleating.

(Image source:

You say that in the last one and a half years no one has dictated to you how many people you can meet, at what time and in what place? So you don't seem to live on this planet? Curfews, business closures, dismissals for disobedience have not taken place? You can claim that you support and even approve of these rules, but to claim that you have not been deprived of any rights (which you seem to be able to give up easily) is of course incorrect.