Did you miss this summary of the information in the 'infamous' report you linked?
This conclusion suggests that vaccination-generated antibody and/or exogenous antibody against S protein not only protects the host from SARS-CoV-2 infectivity but also inhibits S protein-imposed endothelial injury.
Did you skip mentioning it because it was counter to your narrative?
Did you understand anything in that report (or read it at all)? I'm asking, because what it said was NOTHING AT ALL like:
In other words, the corona of spike proteins around SarsCoV2 are responsible for transmission AND for symptoms - they are the disease!
I linked to the full report you're quoting from, which contains a lot more data and suggestions than I wrote about here. Everybody should read it and glean whatever they can from it, and use it to help form their own opinions. One thing it tells me is spike proteins cause Covid symptoms.
I know you linked the full report. I appreciate the link, it made the report very easy to find, and read. You're welcome to take your own opinion from it, but...
How can you expect anyone to find the truth by adding more lies?
You're calling me a liar, and I'm calling you one back. We're no further than before you left your first disingenuous comment.
Wrong again, now I know quite a bit more about you. I won't waste any more of either of our time.