An Anarchist's Breakdown of Initiatives on the Ballot for 2022 Part 1 - Public Safety

in Informationwar3 years ago (edited)

WA initiatives part 1.jpg

Public Safety Initiatives

I'm a little late with this but I said I would go over the initiatives presented and give a response to them from the perspective of how they affect the people's rights, or more accurately after my explanation of rights perhaps we should be calling it freedom in general and stop enumerating them into individual things(noun) that are protected using socialism by a compulsory service corporation. As you read over this keep in mind government creates nothing, it only takes resources and freedom in a now customary(accepted) system of theft and extortion that would otherwise be called nothing short of organized crime. Today I'm going to cover the first section in the flyer "PUBLIC SAFETY". Seems a bit off from the beginning to me, why would I or any other man or woman be forced to provide "safety" for others whether we want to do so or how they treat us in return for doing so? Shouldn't each individual be responsible for their own "safety"? Thinking we can somehow provide safety for the public without unnecessarily removing freedom is just illogical.


Side note*

This is not intended to insult or offend anyone other than the person or team of people who came up with this list of initiatives and decided to publish it in this manner. They clearly don't care about the freedom of others in their communities. In the not too distant past I myself would have checked in favor of many of these initiatives. The last time I voted for a master or any of their rules was in 2016. Having an open mind both philosophically and spiritually has allowed me to see there are often better ways to do things than we currently do in society. Many solutions involve simply removing the force behind government. For many of us the overwhelming threat of the force behind it is the sole reason we comply with any aspect of it. This would naturally choke off the unwanted parts of government in all of our communities.


I 1474 Restore police pursuit - "Don't let bad guys get away"

This statement is an emotional appeal to affirm the confirmation bias that exists because of our constant programming from media that what police do is protect us from "bad guys". In fact it is quite the opposite. Most of the day for police(patrol officers which make up the majority of the force) is sitting and waiting find someone to use their overwhelming and monopolized force of the state to threaten violence against us in order to coerce them to give up their freedom when they have done nothing to hurt anyone else, damage or steal anyone else's property or defraud anyone, nor have they made any threats to do these things. It is very rare that police get in a pursuit with real and actual dangerous criminals that are committing crimes with real victims. Yet this emotional appeal is made and in reality the initiative will make it easier to gain compliance from non criminals or free individuals who have done nothing to anyone thereby the removal of their freedom in violation of the non aggression principle. It simply advances the police state. I believe there is a saying, "Those that are willing to give up their liberty for safety deserve neither."


I 1510 Make hard drugs illegal - "There is nothing compassionate about overdose deaths"

First off the war on drugs is a war on people. If we have fought this war since the Reagan era against an inanimate object and are still losing maybe we should stop fighting and start actually using compassion and understanding, Rather than force people experiencing some of the toughest times of their lives into programs of "recovery" or "correction" determined by a centralized group of known liars who steal money from formerly free people and then dole it out to various service providers in order to provide these "services" of recovery and correction in the ways only the group of known liars comes up with and approves of. This has nothing to do with morality but instead control. On December 12(ish) of 2013 it was "illegal" for me to have a certain flower in my possession. If police found this flower as opposed to other flowers in my possession they would use torture devices on me to get my personal information to then issue a summons to go to court where if I don't show up they will hunt me down(see initiative I 1474 above) torture me again and take me to a cage in a dungeon where I'll remain in psychologically damaging conditions until I appear in court. Then the next day magically as long as I only had a certain amount of it and eventually(few months later) as long as I purchased using fiat currency from a corporation that had properly asked the ruling class permission it was ok for me to have the exact same flower that merely hours or minutes and even seconds in reality before was approved to use violence against me for was now suddenly okay. Did the morality of holding some plant change over the second of time that took place from 11:59:59 on the 12th of December to 12:00:00 on the 13th of December? Are we really going to trust the same people who mandated an extremely untested and experimental mRNA jab telling us it was safe and effective the whole time to now tell us which drugs are "hard" drugs and should be illegal. It's not the known liars(politicians) making those decision it is "experts" appointed by the known liars that define what a hard drug is. This is an infringement on freedom pure and simple. Why are some drugs legal and some aren't? Is it about revenue and control of treatment, supply etc? We also treat addicts in very unhelpful ways. Someone who is down on their luck already and experiencing tough times now has a ton of resources taken from them and given to the state and its forced service contractors who's ethics are highly questionable at best. The forced incarceration does nothing to help this and the forced treatment after just changes them from addiction of a "hard" drug to being addicted to a new or similar state approved drug. They stay zombies for the most part kept in a state of no emotion or drive from prescribed drugs that are court ordered now through behavior health clinics and their partnering with the state. If you really want to help those with drug issues get out the state and it's centralized ideas of "help" out of the way and let people who are truly passionate in the area do their work for our loved ones and others in our communities.


I 1512 Keep guns from criminals - "Prosecute criminals not law abiding citizens"

Refer to the above mentions centralized group of known liars(politicians) getting to decide who is a criminal and a law abiding citizen. What is a law? Is an RCW or WAC in the "State of Washington" a law? They in fact are not, it's right in the name; RCW - Revised "Code" of Washington, WAC - Washington Administrative "Code". Laws are immutable and can't be changed, codes can. Something to ponder, a free man is using the natural/god given freedom he/she has to protect themselves and property while out in public by carrying a pistol in a manner that it cannot be seen by others is this man abiding by LAW? According to Revised CODE of Washington, said man would be in violation of RCW 9.41.050 unless he/she is in possession of a license to conceal the pistol. These things must be pointed out. IMO it is propaganda and continues the idea the governments enforce law. They simply don't. Men live in nature and enforce law just like every other living thing simply by existing. Government exists on paper and can therefor only prosecute that which also only exists on paper, a "person" rather than a "man". This is where your birth certificate and SSN come in.


I'll stop here for today and cover the next section - "COST OF LIVING" tomorrow. I hope you get something from this. Ideas, thoughts and questions are always encouraged. The sharing of ideas is how we progress and grow as a community and society at least IMO.

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Many anarchists are against voting, I was for many years, but, a socialust pointed out to me that local elections are important.

Local taxes are important to vote down, and the local sheriff is the highest cop in the county, he can arrest ANYBODY in the county.
Get a good one, and life is much easier.

In Oklahoma they let folks vote to kick out the supreme court judges, that is worth the time it takes to register and vote against them on its own.
Further, by registering and voting libertarian it sends a message to those that follow politics, we are tired of the one party two label system.

We win when nobody runs for office.
Until then, might as well vote down the taxes, even if you vote on nothing else.

As always, you will have to make the call for yourself.

For sure. Alot of anarchist realize that we wont achieve anarchy overnight, and humanity isnt really ready for such a rapid change, even if such would be ideal to us anarchist, it just isnt practical short of doomsday scenarios. Balkanization, and the decentralization of power is a good step towards a transition to anarchy. The power of municipalities, and local and regional govs to engage in effective nullification of federal and state laws has a lot of potential to facilitate the anarchist agenda, not to mention voting locally to influlence local laws as well. But the nullification possibilities have alot of potential as well, local and regional elections can make a difference on even federal laws. Sheriff or judge running on a campaign of not enforcing petty drug laws, and you are against prohbition? Elect them. just a simple example of nullification

Even if anarchy broke out overnight, we would still have to have our voices heard in some manner.
Voting will persist even in the absence of coercive rule, otherwise we just get ran over by those most willing to team up for power.

I get not voting for either candidate, but not voting down taxes seems like a missed opportunity to be heard.
Same with voting to kick the judges out.
Presuming a non-corrupted process to tabulate the votes.

Really, if we could impress upon people that hiring your dirty work done is cowardly, that would likely help.
Skools should be training the kids in law enforcement and soldiering, imo.
That way we all take care of ourselves and the people around us not capable of confronting bullies, mostly the elderly and the infantile.

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