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RE: Learn How To Change The World. Your Silence Means You Give Your Consent - You Agree To It ALL!

in Informationwarlast year (edited)

Brilliant, I've seen this work for a few people that used it. One of whom being Michael O'bernacia who successfully beat the taxman and hasn't paid tax for years.

If we all educated ourselves on contract/corporate law and legalese we would all be untouchable.

Have you heard about the letter by Mark Sexton addressed to the King that has gone viral?
I read it and although it's worded well I don't think it will work as the Royal Family has no real power and he's just a WEF puppet.


I'm not always sure about Michael.. I've seen him claim many things, get given donations and then never provide any evidence of his success.. or there is very clear evidence he failed. However, yes, I have personally used this particular approach so I know it's possible and I'm not saying he didn't have much bigger success with more difficult areas than I have.

I hadn't heard anything about a letter to the alleged King, no. I just scanned through it. It's good to see people attempting something. I looked into these kinds of topics a great deal, many years ago. I actually have family who were previously very close to those 'royal' circles and I have been raised to know more than most people about what is really going on. In short, no such letter will achieve anything directly because it is based on the premise that democracy is real and that the story of the 'United Kingdom' is anything more than a scam. It's not. The whole thing is a deliberately designed scam and always has been.

Writing these letters is like writing to your kidnapper, asking them to reconsider. That's the reality I understand here.

The only reason I share the information about contract strategies is that they are technically outside of the scam, in that they (can, if worded correctly) represent real interactions that have real consequences in the universe. Anything to do with reliance on alleged royalty and parliament to 'uphold' anything or 'honour' anything, is a fool's errand in my understanding. Actually, it's an act of selling yourself out and living in denial - but I appreciate that the denial soup is so thick at this point that expecting people to see/feel through it is a akin to wanting a volcanic crab at the bottom of the sea to appreciate sunlight.

I'm not 100% sure how the WEF fits into the history of all this, but if I had to define them in this context, I'd say they are a public facing PR channel for carrying out long held plans among the children of Luciferic energy. I'm not religious, I just know what Luciferic energy is - it's unloving light (yang) that seeks to deny emotionality and free will (yin).

I don't feel there is any answer to this without epic and unprecedented loving enlightenment.

Yes, I agree with your letter to the kidnapper analogy and that democracy is a farce. It was a good way to stop the slaves from revolting by giving them the illusion that they are free.

I think the letter to King approach would have worked before king John gave away any chance of Honor being upheld by the royals. Things changed when the Magna carter was rewritten by the King under threat from the banking cartel hundreds of years ago. It wasn't long after this that Corporate Law/Maritime Law was brought in and the whole birth certificate and registration scam was introduced. Or at least this is my understanding of it.

The Darkness and the low frequencies being spread by the Luciferians will be beaten by the lightness and higher frequencies we all have within us. Love is the key

Thankfully the internet is enabling ever more people to share the needed information in a variety of ways without it being possible to stop everyone.. Well, without Matrix style flying, armed drones of course.. Ah..


Healing this is going to be an inside job.