The official BLM organization is confused about what constitutes a threat to black lives.

Of course, if you've been paying attention you'll know that BLM's leadership are "trained Marxists" (their words, not mine) and that the well-funded organization is a modern attempt to divide humanity against each other to achieve the "class struggle" that Marxists hope will lead to a new communist revolution in the United States and beyond.
But, yikes. This tweet really lays it all out on the table. It's no longer possible, in the case of the BLM leaders, to say that they're just young idealists who don't really understand the horrors of communism, or that we should give them the benefit of the doubt because "communism is good in theory."
Fidel Castro's regime murdered tens of thousands of Cubans while he was still alive. (And, not that it should matter, but Cuba's population is approximately 10% black and 24% multiracial/mulatto/mestizo.) Since his death, the regime has continued to oppress Cubans of all races through its economic controls and human rights violations.
The tweet was particularly insensitive at a time when Cubans are out in the streets, protesting the communist regime--literally fighting for their lives amid food shortages and police abuses. Reports this week indicate that at least one protestor has died after police opened fire on peaceful protestors in Havana. Such rhetoric is sure to alienate the many Cuban Americans who once proudly supported BLM's noble cause.
And yes, the cause itself, the one millions of regular Americans were sold on, is still noble. No society should tolerate rampant police brutality against any of its citizens. Law enforcement officers should not be placed above the law.
However, the official BLM organization is anything but noble. By espousing Marxist ideology and celebrating the life of an infamous Marxist mass-murderer and tyrant, it has shown itself to be unworthy of the trust (and funding) Americans have given it. It would do no one any good to reduce police brutality against minorities, only to usher in a new era of police and government supremacy in which no individual stands a chance against the violent machinery of the state.

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Communism always ruin everything, im saying it from vnzla, not kidding.
This isn't terribly shocking since Cubans have a greater propensity to embrace conservative ideals.
Does anyone really care what BLM has to say anymore? They already got their money, hopefully they will be relegated to obscurity soon.