How the elite invented the perfect enemy and turned the planet into a dictatorship overnight

A society can be judged not only by what style of government it has but more by how much it governs, regardless of style. There have been cases where even western liberal democracies have become tyrannical. Like today all over the world. Before 2019 there was the concept of “human rights” that no leader was allowed to annul. And the global media were once the watchdog of society. They could alert the masses to any abuse of those human rights by the leadership in any society.

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All it took was a plot with a big enough enemy and the leaders of the planet could immediately use the ruse of the global enemy to scare the people into voluntarily giving up those human rights out of fear. In 2001 the new enemy became the global terrorist, who could strike almost anywhere in the western world. In 2020 the new enemy became a virus that could strike anywhere on any part of the planet.

It was the perfect plot and it scared the global citizenry into such a state of fear that they were quite happy to give up all their human rights. Suddenly liberal western democracies became soviet style dictatorships overnight. And in some countries they never let up. Now those countries are labelled democracies because you can still vote but on the ground the lifestyle is that of communist China.

And the people docilely accept their enslavement because they believe in the ruse of the virus pandemic. All this despite ample evidence to the contrary. What a perfect plot by the elite to ride roughshod over any semblance of human rights with impunity. How easily we were duped. Even now half the people reading this will believe the media propaganda and government dictates regarding a pandemic and half won’t. Gone is the “fourth estate” of the media to warn the masses of any atrocities committed by government. Now the media is the puppet of government in our new global technocracy.

Overnight our democratically elected governments were annexed and so-called “emergency councils” were put in place that simply heeded the dictates of global unelected bodies, like the WHO. Behind the scenes national presidents were all bribed by massive loans – actually forced – as long as they locked down their citizens and imposed mask and vaccine mandates. All for an invisible enemy – the enemy within. One that knew no boundaries. Evil genius at its best.

Suddenly you couldn’t leave your house, the enemy might get you, anyone could be a carrier, you could contract it totally asymptomatically. False positive PCR tests were used, despite the clear warning by the inventor that they don’t work. And people bought this scam. Slowly and then suddenly injections were forced onto the people, toxic chemicals disguised as vaccines, and the people lined up to take them, despite clear information on the toxicity of the contents, the side-effects like death and the fact that they don’t work so you need a second and a third and who knows how many more booster shots. The stupidity of the masses still bewilders me to this day.

All the while the media pumped the false narrative and banned any honest proof of deception from doctors globally. What a perfect takeover of humanity and immediate loss of human rights all in one foul swoop. And here we sit today – the planet is a dictatorship and not a shot was fired. All resistance is smashed and has crumbled. The elite now control you. Some doctors and lawyers are still fighting the scam. Trials for genocide are going on against the perpetrators of this false pandemic. Politicians will be held accountable, as will doctors who are complicit and the media who pushed the lie upon the citizens. I wonder if the death penalty for genocide still holds?

The sad part is not just the millions who are being killed off by this attempt at a planetary cull, but also the fact that the idea alone has torn apart the fabric of society, dividing families and alienating one member from another as sides are taken for or against the pandemic label and all the dictates upon our freedoms and human rights. A psychological war rages between members of a house divided, a family torn apart, a society ripped asunder by a mere idea. We are about to enter our third year of this ruse and I am still waiting to see the evidence of any pandemic of killer flu in my part of the world.

Some will agree with me and others will vociferously object, as if their life depended on it. And that’s how big the enemy was made out to be by the global leaders and their media. Yet I see no evidence of it anywhere in my world. All I see is people dying on mass from a fake vaccine while doctors are gagged under threat of loss of license if they speak out about it. I see international lawyers and medical experts by the hundreds speaking out and taking their governments to court for genocide. I see a simple and cheap cure, which has no more patent, called Ivermectin, being banned because big pharma can’t make money out of it. And I see big pharma raking in billions of dollars for a cocktail that is killing more people via blood clots, etc than the so-called virus.

And I see half the world population scared by something that has a 99% survival rate, all the while completely surrendering their human rights and liberties – not to their government, because their government is simply following the orders of a non-elected global elite. Your freedom of movement is gone, freedom of speech on social media totally censored and banned and your psychological well-being destroyed.

You can’t even work to earn your weekly wage unless you comply. I fear for the youth most of all. They are forced to wear a mask all the time at school, which only deprives the brain of oxygen and thus they will grow up to be brain damaged and currently can’t think straight in order to learn at school due to suffocation. Also the youth are psychologically damaged by being alienated from the normal lifestyle of community, socialization and play. A whole generation on this planet is going to emerged quite messed up.

I didn’t want to rave on about this pandemic scam because half the people are fooled by it despite clear evidence against it and it only alienates communities when you bring up the subject, but this platform allows me to speak my truth without censorship, so let the truth prevail. None of my friends buy into this pandemic scam and none of them will ever get the fake vaccine. I don’t know who you hang out with but I have educated and informed free thinkers who are like me as friends. And we are the resistance. We have common sense and we are armed with facts. Knowledge is like a torchlight that dissipates any darkness of illusion weaved like a web of lies and propaganda to bewilder the less informed masses. Today I shine my torch.

(image pixabay)


I have seen quite a few articles like this one. The problem is that us that aren't blind to what is going on, (well, as for me anyway) we just don't know what we can do about it.
I also agree with all that you wrote here. And I have also been keeping an eye on the "great reset" that also seems to be an upcoming issue.

So if anyone knows specifically what can be done about it, please let the rest of us know as soon as possible.

I and many others in quite a few independent media and spiritual circles are convinced the answer/solution is creating independent competing communities and systems, basically withdrawing from the system as fully as possible and building sustainable alternatives for those who are awakening and wish to remain free. Essentially starve the beast, rather than focusing all our energy on fighting it, a much more effective means of resistance in my opinion, and solves a lot more problems than just the mandate madness...

It is doable, practical, in so many ways, as I have seen first hand visiting a commune and a few small, mostly self sufficient communities and homesteads. The biggest challenge is connecting with the right people who are interested and willing and share similar values and goals (not terribly difficult these days) and resources, the main one being land. I know of quite a few people looking to do this, but are in the same boat as me, without land or the money to afford it, but all in on the idea and able to make it a reality. Hopefully as the tyranny continues to force more and more good people out of society, some of those with resources will be willing to contribute and share for the cause. Still seems too many with wealth and land view property as a monetary investment and are hesitant to invest in humanity and the greater good of humanity in such a way, but consciousness is shifting and I think more and more will begin to see that uniting and coming together in such unconventional ways as this will be the only way to survive as free men and women. Time will tell, but it is what I wish to dedicate my life to, and am working to connect with and inspire as many like minded people as possible hoping that something comes together to make this dream of mine and many others a reality sooner than later...

Many have already found ways and I know there are a number of communities developing in direct response to this tyranny and the great reset. Derick Broze is one, and calls it the greater reset. Many have spoken on this need, many are working on practical solutions, we just need to keep inspiring, connecting, and creating with each other!

Well said Jason, the small decentralized communities are the way to go. Self-sufficiency is key at this stage while the mainstream buckles under the fake media. We will be the ones to survive and thrive when all others are falling for the scam and suffering the consequences to their immune system apparently.

Hey there many thanks friend, for your positive feedback on this controversial subject. Just hold the line and resist the impositions for now. The powers that be can't keep all the rest of humanity in the dark for much longer, and will be forced to back down. That's my hope for the coming year.

And I see half the world population scared by something that has a 99% survival rate

They are blind to the truth unfortunately. I agree entirely with what you wrote in here. It is amazing how the whole planet is almost succumbing to this.

Hey there Ace, many thanks for your feedback. Give it a bit more time and I presume the whole scam will cave in under scrutiny and information.

Really hits the nail on the head.
I'd urge everyone to reblog this post, share it on every platform.
The elite cabal cannot operate if exposed widely enough.
So use social media to shine a MF sized spotlight on them!


 3 years ago  Reveal Comment