The tools exist to make a truly voluntary society. The dangers of centralization cannot be ignored.

in Informationwar3 years ago (edited)

I like many other people that are on this platform long ago embraced the concept of voluntarism as my ideal goal for the future. I do not so much use the terms anarchy or embrace many of the concepts of it that try to force it into a box. I truly only have a limited set of criteria for my concept of this future.


  • Everything involves voluntary choice.
  • Each individual is responsible for their choices.
  • Rights are only things that you can do without other people having to do it for you.
  • My choices are not more important than the choices of someone else. If I make a choice it cannot be a choice to override the choice of someone else for themselves.
  • Non-Aggression Principle. I will not use force against another either physical or coercive but I will defend myself and my property. I may also defend someone else who is being attacked.
  • Observing human nature I recognize a very small set of rules which cannot be violated must exist. Enforcement of these rules should be accomplished in as decentralized a form as we can come up with. An example of such a rule would be the definition of property. It is at the core of behavior. Can a person take something if you are not currently using it at that moment, or is it yours? These are rules that are foundational and there must be a way to insure their protection. They should not be able to simply be overrun by a mob that decides they can do so. This is the challenge. Accomplishing this yet remaining decentralized is not an easy thing to do.
  • Strive to give equality of opportunity but do not expect equality of outcome as that is impossible to achieve and is very simple to prove why.
  • Plan for the future as well and look beyond ourselves to try to insure a path for our progeny in the future.
  • Strive for a decentralized system where any votes and decisions are of equal weight for each person. People should not be able to centralize more and more power such that their vote effectively is worth more than another persons. This is required to avoid cronyism, corruption, and ultimately centralization in just another form. That does not mean it cannot still have problems.

In a quick brainstorming that is more or less my "utopian" world. I don't actually believe in the concept of a utopia. That world view above will have problems that must be overcome. It will fail. It will have to deal with corruption that naturally occurs over time. There is no perfect system. It will have to weather cronyism which if things are kept truly decentralized without power concentration should be minimized.

I don't view my ideal world as being problem free. It will have problems. I simply currently think it is an approach that can adapt to problems and hopefully recover from them. The main goal would be to learn from the mistakes and successes in history and to embrace opportunities that technology currently presents us.

For years now I've said we have the tools where we could have a voluntary society where we crowdfund the things we wish to support, subscribe to the services we want, etc. Things like kickstarter, gofundme, patreon, subscribestar, givesendgo, etc. show pathways to doing this.

Yet they also illustrate actively the dangers of centralization.

Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Patreon have all taken ideological stances and banned, censored, or oppressed some views while hypocritically advertising and amplifying other views that are actually actively guilty of the things that they claimed were the reason they were censoring the others.

They show what happens with centralization and it is guaranteed overtime to happen in every case to every organization, entity, etc.

People control these platforms. What happens when these people decide they need to control the narrative and only allow things they personally agree with? Essentially this is simply another form of cronyism. It is similar to a government blocking some businesses while giving expedited access to others. Most of the historical examples anti-capitalist people trot out are actually examples of the government doing this. In a truly capitalist environment a monopoly will be short lived if it has problems and people do not like it unless some CENTRALIZED power (aka Government) decides it can block competitors that seek to start up, and essentially keep the monopoly going due to favorable exchanges with the entities it is facilitating the monopoly for. (aka fascism)

The root of the problem there is the centralization. A central agency that gets to decide who is allowed to win, and who is not even allowed to play. This aspect of centralization will ALWAYS over time corrupt any ideology, government, organization, religion, etc. It does so simply by giving some humans the ability to dictate what other humans are allowed to think, do, talk about, participate in, etc.

For a truly free future we should do our utmost to avoid centralization whenever we can find a way to do so.

The emotional appeal will be usually pushed out to justify centralization.

If we had a crowdfunding platform that was truly decentralized what would stop a person from choosing to subscribe to a service that provides them heroin?

Nothing. Their choice. Their consequences.

Then it will turn to. "That would lead to drug addicts who then steal from other people, drive their vehicles and kill other people, etc."

That is called PRECRIME. We should never act as though a crime has been committed before it occurs. We should never throw all people into the same basket and treat them as guilty.

Instead they should be treated as individuals. If a person steals from another, kills another, etc. then you handle that incident directly. You do not centralize guilt and extend it to everyone else.

Another example:

I despise drunk driving. Yet I know there is a lot of it.
I've also heard people claim they can drive fine drunk.

While I think it is a stupid choice, the person is responsible for the consequences. If they never fail in their driving then so be it.

I do recognize the increased danger to others yet ultimately I am willing to accept such danger in exchange for freedom.

I recognize that reality is dangerous. I know that in trying to mitigate every possible crime and treat them as though they WILL happen I am likely to give up freedom and lead towards the path of centralization.

Freedom is risky.

Slavery is safe.

I will accept the risk. How about you?

I was inspired by current events to write this. I will edit this post and add links to a few news articles that inspired me.

GiveSendGo CEO Sends Gateway Pundit Exclusive Statement: Fundraising Platform Sees MASSIVE Surge in Traffic and One Million in Donations to Canadian Truckers in 12 Hours! – Relentless DDOS Bot Attacks

BREAKING UPDATE: After Massive Backlash, GoFundMe Announces They Will Now Issue Automatic Refunds to Donors of Trucker’s Freedom Convoy

Spotify Cracks Down on Joe Rogan; Secretly Purges an Additional 70+ Episodes In Just ONE DAY As Leftist Outrage Continues to Intensify

After Enabling Violent, Far-Left Extremists, GoFundMe 'Steals' Millions From Freedom Convoy Fundraisers

Brandon Smith: Leftists Use Mass Censorship Because They Don't Have The Guts To Engage In Fair Debate

Spotify Just Memory-Holed More Than 100 Episodes Of Joe Rogan's Podcast

GoFundMe canceled the Canadian trucker convoy because they said it became an "occupation" ... but here's GoFundMe in 2020 offering official support of a literal Marxist occupation of a U.S. city!


Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Patreon have all taken ideological stances and banned, censored, or oppressed some views while hypocritically advertising and amplifying other views

I get a little frustrated when I see people even try to use these platforms because their selective application of their "policies" is nothing new. I don't get why everyone was so surprised when GoFundMe shut down the Truckers thing... of course they were going to do that.

It's like when conservative voices get all shocked when they are demonitized, shadow-banned, or permanently banned from FB, Twitter, YouTube etc. Move to other platforms and take the power away from the giants... the government certainly isn't going to help them and honestly, I wouldn't want the government in charge of doing so anyway.

Yes, but people fleeing platforms to other platforms need to research the platform they are fleeing to. Is the platform on its own servers or is it Amazon, Microsoft, or Google cloud? If it is the later then it is subject to shutdown from those companies and likely would start with threats to do so if they do not change.

Then there is payment processors. VISA, Paypal, and others have taken ideological stances and cancelled people and businesses.

Then there is your internet provider. Again some of them have cancelled based upon ideological stances.

Then there is your domain name (DNS) provider. Similar things happen.

There are some nastier things they could do that I am not going to mention here because I do not want to put the idea out there for them.

Out of all of them GAB seems to be the only one that has taken efforts to address all of these. It has been around awhile now and has been attacked on all of these fronts. I don't think it is the perfect platform in terms of usability but it is the one I think has planned the best.

Bitchute and some others are close in line for that as well. I am not sure how protected in these areas that Rumble is.

Some of the other alternatives have already shown they practice similar ideological purging and modern day book burning. GETTR is getting hammered by people noticing this now.

The thing GAB and others proved earlier is the people saying "If you don't like it go build your own" were always lying. They immediately attack and attempt to destroy things other people try to build.

Loved your quote, so made you this;


Hah. Thanks.

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