Our illegitimate dictator Justin Trudeau will not restore freedom in Canada by ending Covid mandates, opting to use the army on his own peaceful people who are legally protesting their lost rights. I have been warning for 2 weeks this was obviously the plan, and state media (literally owned by Trudeau's Liberal government) announced it this morning, after months of strategies aimed at stoking division. Canadians reacted to the news - the comment section was closed after almost 10000 comments were posted within minutes, lambasting the prime minister almost unanimously.

The Emergencies Act (previously called the War Measures Act) gives national government powers (removes power from the people) as long as it is deemed "reasonable and justified". There's no way the current situation even comes close to qualifying... unless you buy off the politicians and judges. In other words, we're under martial law now, and anything can happen, from hard tyranny to widespread unrest, civil war, and societal collapse. The perfect recipe for global technocrats to swoop in and take Canada.
Here are 3 things we in Canada MUST do now, to avoid the democide elites are itching to unleash:
- Remain peaceful. This is another level of provocation. If you can stay cool, you will have a better chance. Peaceful mass non-compliance and civil disobedience can topple tyrants. The blockades and protests may solidify into a nation-wide general strike, so be prepared.
- Disarm Trudeau. Appeal to members of the military, including senior command, to side with the people, and refuse to carry out orders that violate our rights. This has happened many times throughout history in this situation. Many Canadians know what is happening is wrong, and will not raise arms against their own people who are peacefully seeking change in governance. Demand they obey their oath to serve and protect the people of Canada, not the Liberal government.
- Stay involved! Get out to events, join underground meetups, strengthen your network, donate your time and resources, spread awareness online, join a convoy or blockade, write members of parliament, get out your old flag, make some signs, bring reinforcements to Ottawa, peacefully put pressure on government, drop everything you are doing and make this your mission!
Do not give up. This is a sign that we are winning, and the enemy has no options left but violence. Let's not give them what they want and need to take this any further. The world is watching. If a single shot is fired at a peaceful protester in Canada, there will be hell to pay, and that martyr will go down in history, with a mark of shame for those who are turning against the people. Thus far, millions have protested Covid mandates without any violence, despite Trudeau's taunts!
Hopefully it won't need to come to bloodshed. Canadians are a peaceful people at large. It has been generations since we aimed our guns at each other here, and in that instance, it only happened because government turned people against people. Let's unite against tyranny, not divide ourselves. Though great in funding and preparations, our enemies are human and small in number. We can win this, but not by outright battle.
Stay peaceful, win the military over to our side, and continue to put massive pressure on government to end this peacefully!
Don't listen to anyone lying to you that Freedom Convoy does not have a clear list of demands! From day 1, they have had only one very clear demand: END ALL COVID MANDATES IN CANADA! They don't work, they cause a lot of harm, and Covid is over. There are ZERO reason for mandates, other than to provoke us into a fight we can't win!
Mandate freedom!
What about Trudeau, his cronies, and their puppetmasters?
That's next. First, we have to avoid the civil war he's trying to cause. But yes, this is treason. He will spend the rest of his miserable life in a cell, if he's lucky. And should anyone be injured or killed in the violence he's waging, there are millions of Canadians who will do whatever it takes to see him hang. This is an attempt to destabilize North American society, undo generations of human rights efforts, finalize the collapse of the economy, install the digital Beast System, and seize control of humanity. It is not possible to take these threats too seriously. Now is our moment and this is the hill we must be willing to die on.

Canada, the world has our backs! We are on the right side of history, and freedom will reign! We are the true North, strong and free. MANDATE FREEDOM!!
In Peace and Liberty,
The globalists want us to kill each other. They just needed to get complete control of the media outlets and put cameras everywhere so they can watch the show live. War is all about poor people killing poor people. And since DARPA has been working on their crowd controlling technologies, things might get really ugly.
You reap what you sow. Governments around the world need to be minimized (if we need them at all), localized, and decentralized. What are your local officials doing with your hard earned taxes? These elected officials have forgotten who pays their bloated wages. May we never forget who forced these jabs and mandates, they are the ones to blame.
Good points. And yes I think there are people keeping track of all the enemies of humanity. It is a fairly long list now, but relatively short given the number of the rest of us decent folk.
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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You're invited! - LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@hempy
Stay strong, you guys are an inspiration. Here in NZ, alongside the upsidedown NZ flags, there are Canadian flags flying too, right in front of the government buildings.
I hope it doesn't come to bloodshed. Here in the U.S., we are monitoring closely. Unfortunately, most of the population is too woke to realize they are already under the barrel. We had a coup, and no one in the military, LEO, or political positions did anything to stop or fix it. Treason occurred on U.S. soil by U.S. politicians. And to think Americans are armed, but for what? Guess for looks. Sad, sad times.
It seems "having guns" has pacified Americans and that's now being use against you. The noose is around your neck and about to be tightened. I hope you do something. Waiting at home with a shot gun aint gonna do diddly squat when tyranny comes for us. You want to have the guns, yes, but you don't want to forget to actively struggle for freedom. Evil never gives up and neither can we.
Now I hear the feds found guns (planted?) at the Alberta border protest. One way or another, looks like they are giving themselves a flimsy excuse to hurt people.
Guns are a deterrant and come into use only when needed. God forbid they are needed to slow down a slaughter, but without them you have expedited genocide.
100% agree.
I am appalled at the move of the Liberal government to oppress Canadians petitioning for redress of their grievances. I hope very much blood is not shed for that coward, Turdeau. I reckon that plenty of Canadian soldiers would far prefer to arrest Turdeau than their fellows. I would seek such resolution with all my abilities were I Canadian.
Sadly, I was unable to watch the video above. 3Speak gave an error (232001), simply saying it was unplayable. Is it available on Odysee or Bitchute?
Yes, it's available on both Odysee and Bitchute. 3Speak has been giving me various issues lately (and pretty much since it started).
Thank you!
I can't speak for all of USA and will admit that I am a conservative and live in a very conservative part of the United States. We all have your backs where I live. I'm looking forward to this movement spreading to other nations.
Can't happen soon enough.... literally.... let's go!!
I don't identify with political parties or sides or paradigms. Most would say I'm libertarian and/or anarchist. But if I had to pick between what they call "Liberal" (or Democrat) nowadays, and Conservative, it would be an easy choice. Mostly for me it's about Liberty, which isn't really left, or right, or up, or down.
(1/3) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
You're invited! - LUV's 1st birthday celebration!@drutter
Thank you for your excellent update, I count on you for the updates. This move is vital for the whole world. The Truckers must win. Great advice to the Canadians.
I would like to know what is happening on the ground, are the shops running empty, what effect have this strike on the citizens?
I love that sign. Thanks for including it in your post. Totally naive but speaks my language.
I am so worried about someone, or a group to come in and sabotage the situation. Hopefully they will identify these bad actors just like they did with that asshole with the confederate flag if something does happen. Stand your ground! #honkhonk
That's one of their only possible tactics, so yeah, it's quite likely!
But one thing to remember is in a group of millions of people, like the protest on Saturday, there will be bad apples. It's just statistics. You can't have that many people together without somebody being messed up in the head, or unstable, or having a really bad day, etc. So shit will always happen when moveents get bigger than a few dozen people. This is millions. If somebody brings guns, peacefully I mean, I would not be surprised. If somebody wears armor, I wouldn't be surprised. But this has to just stay peaceful, and I'd rather see zero armed out of the millions, even though I know that's not likely. Especially now with the official declaration of martial law, people are going to be expecting the worst. It's hard not to react when you're threatened by a bully. I've had a lot of personal experience, maybe I'll be okay. But it only takes one person to drop their defenses for a moment and do something stupid, for the whole other side to point fingers and claim that everybody else on our side is just like them.
almost 10000 comments? It's called online warfare
Trucker ❤️