The "ArriveCan app", quarantines, and other Canadian travel restrictions are being cancelled, 8 months after Freedom Convoy made global headlines for peacefully clogging Ottawa with trucks to protest border mandates.

At the time, Trudeau had called the truckers and their millions of supporters "racist, misogynist, homophobic, anti-black, anti-semitic, sexist, and transphobic", pondered aloud if their presence should be tolerated. Our prime minister and his owned media the CBC attacked the very concept of freedom, and associated anyone flying the Canadian flag with extremism. And then he declared martial law and violently attacked the completely peaceful protest with military vehicles and mounted thugs. Then his literally-fascist deputy Chrystia Freeland used special powers to financially terrorize convoy supporters, freezing bank accounts, seizing trucks, and cancelling business licenses.
8 months ago, when the truckers demanded freedom be restored in Canada, much of the rest of the world had already done so (or never went Covid-crazy to begin with). Now, we are essentially the last place in the world still clinging to 2020's strict (and completely ineffective) border protocols, which have decimated the economy and destroyed lives.
Today, after weeks of slow-rolling the idea in the media, Trudeau finally proved the truckers right all along. To save face, he dragged it out another 8 months, constantly saying "we'll never cave to the demands of those fringe extremists", but now it's clear they were right. Canada's policies became the laughing stock of the world, after our Freedom Convoy inspired people everywhere in January and February. Our government went completely fascist and tyrannical. And now, that overreaction is shown to have been for no good reason. Freedom Convoy was right - the Covid border restrictions were not only useless at stopping the virus, but harmful to our economy and our freedom.

Trudeau hung on until it was absolutely ridiculous to go any further, and then went a few more months, just so he can say "I had to crush the trucker protest, they were totally inappropriate to be want restrictions to end so soon, it wasn't safe to do that until now".
He's obeying orders from globalist bankers and technocrats like Soros and Shwab. Canada's "Liberal" government is owned by international eugenicists, and intends to continue to help destroy our people and culture. He wasn't ALLOWED to end restrictions back in Jan/Feb, but had to do something about Freedom Convoy, so he crushed it, then refused to do the right thing by ending the border restrictions until it was completely painfully obvious to the world it was long overdue.

I support the people of Canada, I support Liberty, I support peaceful protest, I support the restoration of freedom, I support the truckers convoy, I support the end of harmful and unscientific Covid policies.
End ALL Covid restrictions and mandates. Get rid of the "vaccine passports" and border control apps completely - don't just make them optional. And remove these globalist puppets from our sovereign countries!
Very happy to read this!
I advise that you have things in the wrong order. Since it's globalist puppets imposing fascism, first remove the puppeteers, the strings, and the puppets. Then you will find removing the fascist policies much facilitated.