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RE: "We Are Under The Application Of A Form Of Bio Terrorism.." (Covid19-Vaccines) - Dr. Peter A. McCullough - Corona Committee Part 56

in Informationwar4 years ago

Thank you for the link, brother!
So many dozens of high profile extremely intelligent and informed doctors (true experts in their fields) speaking out now! A wildfire of truth. And they are never debated or questioned, only ridiculed and censored! The pro-vaxxers can't even engage these brave and brilliant healers. Just slandering them or hiding them from sight. What a truly evil agenda but we are bringing more and more people into the light every day! Keep up the great work, and one <3


Appreciate your feed back, Bro, many thanks!
The pro-vaxxers can't even engage these brave and brilliant healers.
Yes, that's what's up. These technocrats, puppets on a string, cowardish,
child molesting human beings? could never "play a fair one".
It's like in 300. One of us smashes hundreds of them. 💪
We get them. They will get all arrested this & next year.
Protect the children.
Protect Life.
1 Love

You're a good man my friend!

Respect Brother. Many Thanks!
You're pretty awesome, too. 😉
...we are bringing more and more people into the light every day..