Trudeau granted himself new powers to defeat peaceful truckers in Ottawa. Their crime? Demanding freedom from oppressive and ineffective Covid mandates, a fireworks violation, and a few grand in parking tickets. Their bank accounts were frozen, their trucks were seized and vandalized, they were trampled by mounted police, and they were held in solitary confinement like mass murderers. But Canadians have the backs of the truckers, and convoys are gathering steam all across the country! Here in BC we have a massive group of convoys all meeting to slow-roll South for a gigantic border-crossing bear hug!

I just received the above image via underground channels. They're asking everybody to get out and support tomorrow.
"This weekend's Convoy is going to be quite a bit larger because the Great Canadian Cruise has decided to change their schedule, and they will be joining us when we get to Penticton, as we roll through to the border!! Let's show up in droves and support these wonderful men and women that are making the long journey across Canada to fight for our freedoms!!"
The notice ends with "Make sure to grab your flags and decorate your cars! This is going to be a weekend to remember! There will be a food truck, bouncy castle, face painting, live band and entertainment."

Past slow rolls to Osoyoos have attracted dozens of big rigs and hundreds of other vehicles. This looks to be the largest yet.
It's amazing that we have to be doing this, but Trudeau continues to terrorize participants of Freedom Convoy simply for donating, or protesting, or supporting freedom! He was even called out by the international community for violently suppressing legitimate protest this week!

We now know there's little or no threat from Omicron 2, the next variant of non-concern. It spreads quickly but it's nearly harmless. And we now know the "vaccines" actually make it MORE likely you'll get infected and sick! So mandates make absolutely no sense. In this situation, mandates are pure evil.

Which is why it's REALLY disturbing that Canada has announced Covid mandates will never end!
Thank you to Freedom Convoy and millions of supporters for continuing to pressure Trudeau and the globalists for a return to freedom and peace!

Downvoting whale bullies
Dear readers, thank you for your attention on this unpleasant matter related to my posts.
I'm currently undergoing attack by blockchain bullies with large investments of Hive Power, who are downvoting my "Deep Dives" content, and more recently, pretty much everything I create. I have not provoked them, I don't know them or have any interaction with them. They've simply decided to silently pick away at my reputation and payouts. They don't comment, they don't interact, they just punish.

I'm very thankful to those curators who have decided my channel is worth following and supporting. It has taken me five years of full-time posting, commenting, and curating to slowly build up to my current reputation and audience. After investing 0.2 BTC and 5 years, my dream is finally coming into focus. The dream is being able to make a (partial) living by creating high-quality original content people want and need.

It's very discouraging to receive unwarranted downvotes (previously referred to as "flags"). These 2 or 3 individuals have taken it upon themselves to watch my posts, and drop huge downvotes after a couple days (to keep their dirty deeds out of the spotlight).
As you know, I don't do this primarily for financial reward, but there are plenty of other blogs and blockchains I can post to when I want to do it for free. What makes Hive different is that you can get rewarded in crypto for your participation, and I've been working hard to bring that about. Even knocking a few of dollars off my payouts sets me way back.
Also, each hit from these mega accounts drops my rep score. Again, not something I care about from an ego standpoint, but these attacks can drive a user's rep score down so low that their posts are sent to the bottom of the page, grayed out, and put behind a click-wall. It would take a while to get me down there, but they have a higher score than I do, so it would only be a matter of time. I have seen them do it time and time again to many other excellent content-creators here, so please don't tell me censorship can't happen on Hive. People get downvoted to oblivion and made nearly invisible, driving them from the platform. Sure, their account still exists, technically, but they can't make money or reach anyone.
Why do the bullies do this? A couple main reasons. One is they disagree with the political, ideological, philosophical, or other stances in my posts. For example, statists and pro-vaxxers hate a lot of what I talk about, but they can't argue with it, so they just remove some of my income instead. $30+ at a time, on several posts in a row. I lost about $200 yesterday. It's demoralizing, and that's part of why they do it.
Yes, the other main reason is personal competition. I recently broke into the top 1000 accounts for reputation on Hive, and I'm working my way into the top 900. The higher you get, the fewer accounts that can mess with you, so when people say "rep doesn't do anything" they're totally wrong. Rep is important - just not for bragging rights. So when these mega accounts (usually whales that got their start here early on, or are part of the in crowd) target an up-and-comer like myself, what they're doing is trying to protect their own score and situation. They see me as a threat. Instead of upping their own game, they're spending resources attacking mine. While that's within the platform rules, in the real world it's incredibly pathetic and cowardly. If only they would work on their own posts and other actions here, improving things for themselves and for others, this place would thrive. But not only do they neglect doing that, they put time and money into hurting others they disagree with or feel threatened by. Really weak.
But what can you do? The more you piss them off (including pointing out the truth and hurting their feelings), the more they target you. These people have plenty of time when it comes to venting their anger and frustrations out on innocent content-creators trying to feed their families.
I've never taken a cent from this platform. I've put in 5 years and a lot of money, but taken nothing. I've entertained, informed, motivated, and helped thousands here. I've built the place, almost from day 1. But I'm being blocked from entering the inner circle, by weak-minded low-quality participants with large stakes. They have a big hammer, but not much else, so everything to them looks like a nail. Bam! Bam! Bam! Oh, they have so much fun. And they cause so much damage to individuals and the blockchain. These people are the peak of the selfishness pyramid. They will hurt and risk and sacrifice everyone and everything else to maintain their position. There is little recourse for them.
I want to thank and congratulate the larger accounts that DON'T abuse others here, simply because they can. They're untouchable, and they know it, but they choose not to be corrupt. Commendable! Thank you very much. If only everyone was like you and I, but unfortunately there are some corrupt bullies in every crowd.

Those were each $40 posts which I put several hours of work into. Of course, I'm thankful that they're not at $0, but you can imagine how upsetting it is to refresh your screen and have all your content slash and burned like that.
To these people, I'd like to ask they email me (drutter at protonmail) if they have a problem to discuss like adults. If they have a valid complaint, I'd like to hear it. Of course, I know they're not going to take me up on that, but it's there anyway.
My hope is that they realize I'm not hurting them or anyone else with my content, and it doesn't violate any rules. Their downvotes are purely the result of their disagreement with me on some level, or because they feel threatened by my rising reputation and standing in the Hive community. Please, leave me and my family alone. Work on yourself and your own content. Generate upvotes for yourself, rather than dishing out downvotes for those you see as competition. Focus on your own strategy and plan, rather than forming vendettas with other members. Hive doesn't need more bullies, more wanna-be-policemen, more statist stooges.
I provide decentralized, original, quality content on important topics. I am what Hive was built for, and I am what it thrives upon. Whale accounts with little original thought and large punishing downvotes are not the way forward. Those people can dish out a lot of pain and sorrow, but they have little true power. They aren't the future of Hive, or blockchain, or crypto, or the internet. Their days are numbered and I think they are starting to realize it.
I ask they take their negativity elsewhere. Put me on mute. You don't like what I say, so please, focus yourself somewhere else.
Respect and gratitude to my supporters, and those curators who bravely upvote real content here.
See you tomorrow at the convoys and rallies! Mandate freedom!
You self vote your comments on the 6th day using alts with free delegations. You have been doing this for ages. You even are making comments on this posts with multiple alts of yours pretending to be supporters.
@themarkymark @melbourneswest @chekohler Why are you nuking these posts?
They are genuine original and informative content.
I don't see any evidence of the accusation of milking comment upvotes and even if this were true ONLY the comment should be downvoted, not the main post.
This is abuse which is driving people away from Hive and hurts the community.
I am seeing this far too often and good people are leaving for Blurt etc.
He runs multiple accounts which he self votes on the sixth day with alt accounts with free delegated stake. This is the most deceptive and selfish act you can do on Hive. Self voting your comments allows you to not only get self votes in without challenge, you also get the curation portion as it is unlikely anyone else will have voted them netting you 100% of the vote. He also leaves comments to himself from multiple accounts pretending to be different people as well as other things.
He has been engaged in this deceptive selfish activity for years and when he is flagged he stops, temporarly, then starts up again.
Among others.
"good people" lol. Look at who is on Blurt.
Well then you didn't look hard enough or don't know what to look for. It's pretty obvious. He uses alt accounts to make it less obvious. But you can look at the comments for the above accounts past 7 days and you will see it clearly.
Bullshit, what he is doing, is abuse. I didn't take all the rewards though (although I should as he is extremely selfish and deceptive) others felt the need to and stepped in as well.
Not that I need to explain or justify my voting habits to anyone.
Don´t completely agree on your statement, but i disliked the rep attack for asking questions.
Yip, I'm outa here.
He lacked COO-rage.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)@apshamilton, I sent you an on behalf of @networkallstar
"You self vote your comments on the 6th day using alts with free delegations. You have been doing this for ages."
No, I don't. So at least half your "case" against me is wrong.
Anyhow, explain how that would that be breaking any rules.
"You even are making comments on this posts with multiple alts of yours pretending to be supporters."
No, I'm not pretending to be anything. Hempy and greatesteem are accounts that my wife and I have been using for 4 years. We're not pretending to be anything.
I'm curious again, how would that be against the rules?
And lastly, by what authority are you cutting me off from payouts, scaring away my curators I've worked 5 years to accumulate, and graying out my content? You just decide all of a sudden, and that's it? I don't get notified, I don't get to defend myself, you just ruin 5 years of my life, and a lot of sacrifices and effort by my wife, because you falsely claim we're "fraudulent"?
I'd like you to reconsider.
Self voting is seen as greedy.
Hiding it on days 6 is even worse.
But, you knew that, didn't you?
Of course he did, that's why he did it on 5+ accounts with free delegation.
POS Steemit/Hive with 20 odd witnesses was a bad and failed concept by Dan and Ned, I have always felt it, and you have proved it to me today.
Cool story bro, thanks for sharing.
I know it's wrong to get involved in serious matters one knows little about. Have you been caught up in the crowd mentality? Grab yourself a pitchfork, I guess. Your question gives me a chance to inform you (and others) on some things.
Anyone informed on the circumstances knows that for the longest time I refused to like my own content, and even got into arguments with people who did so, claiming it was unfair, inorganic, selfish, lame, etc. After at least a couple years of that, someone finally convinced me "you're hurting nobody but yourself by being noble", and so on. And it's true, there's no rule against voting your own content on Hive, and it doesn't necessarily have any negative impact on the blockchain. For example, the big whales drop $200 upvotes on their own (often short) posts, and that's neither against the rules nor community expectations. Such posts end up on the Trending page. There have been many debates about changing the settings to prevent self-voting, but that has not been done.
So, I joined the majority, and started liking my own posts, using my personal investment in HIVE plus my earned HP to benefit myself, as well as many others I curate. Sometimes when I had good comments that didn't quite reach the 2c cutoff mark for payouts, I topped them up. I also used votes of varying sizes to lift quality original comments up, leaving spammy bot comments (like pizza bots) toward the bottom, to facilitate discussion. All this is neither against the rules, nor greedy, nor uncommon.
When you say "hiding it", you seem to believe that's possible. It isn't. Most of us who use this blockchain regularly are aware that everything we do (every click, every character, every timestamp, etc) is permanently recorded and available for all to see. Even after deciding I was morally okay with it, I was still hesitant to vote on my own posts, until I did it a few times on some high-quality productions, and realized nobody cared. In fact, I saw that I had been one of the only people who never voted on their own content. I had handicapped myself for no good reason.
Another thing you're just not aware of is that after about a year of that, after several chain forks and community changes, someone (in a comment) told me that it was now considered "tricky" to upvote things in the last day of the payout week. I don't believe that's actually a rule, but it had become a social norm, and I voluntarily agreed to the change. Since then, close to 100% of my votes are before that, day 1 to 5.
And yet, many of the whale downvotes I'm getting now, are coming in on day 5 and even 6, which doesn't give others a fair chance to respond. But nobody's going to say things about the downvoting whales, because, well, they're downvoting whales.
You (and others) seem to have jumped to conclusions - and onto a bandwagon. "Guilty! Guilty!" Mob mentality to come up with a verdict... days after the sentencing and execution already took place!?
Nobody really investigated, the facts were never brought forth, charges were never laid, analysis wasn't done, arguments were not presented, there was no debate, 3rd party consultation didn't take place, no basic rights or norms of justice were observed. Just financial warfare (akin the financial terrorism the Canadian government is currently waging against Freedom Convoy and other Liberty-minded people)... because someone with a lot of influence on the crowd said so. He who has the most Hive Power wins, even if what he's saying is based on inaccurate assumptions, or perhaps a personal vendetta.
This is why there's due process in civilized societies, not the law of the jungle, barbarism, and bullying we currently have here. As you know, ALL this is recorded - immutable, in fact - and at some point very powerful computers and programs will be leveraged to scour and analyze everything (EVERYTHING) that we're doing here. It might not be very long from now. Total discovery. Anyone breaking the rules (no matter how long ago) will be revealed, everybody infringing on others rights will be discovered, everybody who was corrupt, or greedy, or selfish, or harmful, will be brought to light. Even things people think they've gotten away with forever - they haven't. Even things we didn't do will be possible to detect, analyze, and potentially judge, one way or another.
So ultimately, I have nothing to worry about. But in the short term, I'm being threatened with the loss of FIVE YEARS of full-time effort. I have loved this blockchain like it was my own, and helped to build it, providing real, quality, original content that you can't get anywhere else. I've followed the rules and adjusted to changing behavioral expectations.
But I haven't escaped the abuse of blockchain bullies, each with a different set of expectations and understandings of the rules, each with massive stakes that can (and sometimes do) totally crush my content, drive away my curators, and demoralize my wife and I. She's sacrificed so much for 5 years now, including often not having me in bed at night because I'm putting the finishing touches on a post, researching a project, or still clicking through my daily curation. We've made life choices based on our involvement here, and more recently, based on our presumed forthcoming income. We just powered down for our first ever payout, to help cover rising inflation, and our newborn. Now we've lost not only several hundred dollars in payouts over this downvote mob situation, but potentially everything else we worked for. All someone has to do is dedicate maybe 10% of their free downvote power to completely negate everything we do here, and eventually, drive our rep low enough to hide our content. Bullies can have their way here, even when they're wrong, as long as the blockchain crowd can be persuaded.
There are real threats to this blockchain, which potentially deserve a concerted attack by orcas and whales, picking away at payouts, reputation, and visibility, until the offender is nothing but a bleached skeleton on the sandy bottom. MediKatie and I are not in that category, and the disproportionate punishment being meted out here - endorsed by the insensate horde - is a far greater threat to Hive than 100 years of our commenting and self voting could ever amount to.
Besides, if something we're doing is against the rules (or platform community patterns), a comment or email would have sufficed. We may be anarchists but we still shovel the sidewalk.
There's absolutely no good reason for what's going on here. It looks bad for us all, especially Hive, and could have been avoided.
My wife and I are both regular posters, commenters, and curators. We spend time on this blockchain EVERY day, sometimes quite a bit of it. We've always been clear which accounts are ours (and that information is also publicly available on the blockchain). When we make posts, say as @GirlsofGreen (our cannabis modeling account), we generally both upvote those posts. And we share marital finances (don't have "separate money"), so sometimes we've got our stack (currently ~18000) divided up between us, and sometimes I've got 99% of it here on my @DRutter account, like right now. None of this is wrong, harmful, against the rules, or unusual. @HiveGestapo? Gestapo; the brutal fascist police force known for kidnapping, torture, experimentation, and murder of anyone in the way of Hitler's totalitarianism. I find your association of the name with Hive to be as imprudent as it is uncomfortably accurate. One can only hope that was some misguided attempt at dark humour - and of course, you have that right. Either way, it has given me an opportunity to clear up some misconceptions.
I for one have enjoyed & appreciated your work and your presence here on hive @drutter and I very much hope this can be resolved.
Am currently onboarding an investigative journalist and I don't recall seeing any rules presented at any stage of the sign-up process so I am wondering where one can find a copy of these rules and associated punishments being dished out by @themarkymark? Clarity around such matters seems like a fairly important aspect of any platform which gives its witnesses the power to effectively terminate ones potential income here.
What rules? I am just curating and using my stake as I see fit, as is everyone else.
Nothing to do with witnesses, I am merely voting with my stake.
Thanks for clarifying. Didn't think there were any actual rules.
It is clear high stake holders have the opportunity to hold low stake holders accountable for their actions (by making their own rules), but who holds them accountable for theirs?
And if the only thing needed to control the income of those who post here is lots of stake, what is to stop representatives of the NWO buying stake and making this place like FB?
You make HIVE stink mate, just saying as a nobody.
Hivesql can answer all the questions, if you know how to ask it.
Great food, no atmosphere.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/4)@samstonehill, I sent you an on behalf of @networkallstar
(2/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <>< NFT for Peace
I am also repulsed by whale downvoters and appreciate your post bud. They give HIVE a bad stink. This place appears to be hijacked by some scummy whales hey? It was a great idea but the human factor ruined it lol. I've seem theycallmedan upvote his Ragnarok posts massively, so what's the taboo on upvoting your own posts? I don't do it out of moral concern myself, although I would like to, but other whales do it, so I understand your point of view. I just instinctively am repulsed by whale downvoters and it drives me away from HIVE, so they should consider the repercussions of their negative behavior on the reputation of HIVE in general. It's just bad form to downvote what I thought was a good post on the Canadian truckers here.
If it was any consolation, you are getting treated no different than lots of other people that were doing the same.
Games have rules, without them there is no game, just a struggle for survival.
How that plays out on an individual scale is playing out in real time.
Let me say I am glad it was me that got the name.
I support dissent and hope to steal back the name by making it something terribly, terribly good.
If you would like to follow along in the radar room, they play out in the discords:
Join the Hive Discordiant Room:
Everyone is welcome to join the conversations.
When I was a minnow Marky used to vote me. Now he doesn't. Because I'm not a minnow.
Someone tagged me.....
Well obviously you are clueless, I have zero self voting, I vote almost 200 unique accounts a week, many of which my vote is 90% of their rewards.
I beg to differ. He votes a lot of the smaller accounts in my communities. Doesn't ask for anything in return either.
Hahaha lol love the attitude there bud. Stick it to the man. I have no idea about the right or wrong of any of the main issue though, just had to laugh at your impressive attitude.
Sure I am, go look at my votes, most of them are for small accounts with tiny votes and very little support.
More bullshit, I have gone weeks without posting, I ask for nothing for my votes and I don't even know half of the people I vote for. I don't vote trade. Just cause your upset, you shouldn't go around making shit up to try to justify your agenda.
You sound angry. Take a deep breath.
Did I hear my name?
Read your post there - I'm leaving Hive.
Excellent post!
I'm relatively new to Hive and I'm surprised to learn of these downvote bullies. It's almost like de-platforming...For some reason, I thought this place would be different.
Anyway, I appreciate the posts and I hope you keep publishing.
As you are new, I thought you might like to get in on the broader conversation around this issue.
This room is open source, and end to end encrypted private chats are available.Join the Hive Discordiant Room:
Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.HiveDownvoteRewards:
Appeal blacklist flags here.Hivewatchers:
Get your flag reviewed for redemption.FreezePeach:
Well, the attacks have intensified, even though I have not retaliated, had any contact with them, etc.
But I appreciate your feedback. And it now includes my comments (so that my rep score goes down faster), my wife's posts, and all posts and comments on @FreedomConvoy. The more I post/comment, the more targets they have to downvote, and the faster I will go to 0 and become hidden. That includes my past 5 years of work. So not only have I lost a revenue stream I poured half a decade into developing (without ever being paid out), my voice is being silenced. It's stupid, but this is what they do to real content creators here, thousands of them. It's why this place can't grow - most people have figured out there's no way to earn crypto for content (the platform's main claim to fame). You will earn nothing and be happy, or you will be hidden from view.
You playing the victim is adorable you fraudulent pos.
The Freedom convoy issue is commendable, why are these whale scum acting as censorship of what is a free speech platform, especially considering that the Freedom convoy is a good mission against global and Canadian tyranny?
I've been reading some good posts on Hive, so I'll hang around a little longer.
I know what you mean though.
I agree.
You can #steemicide, but you can never leave.
Mind the door on your way out.
I don't really know how to feel about the convoy because I don't live up there. I do know quite a few Canadians in an online sense and they seem quite divided on the issue. I can't help but feel that the people that are anti-convoy are being lead by the media though. Generally speaking I am pro almost anything that is anti-government-overreach though.
I agree exactly.
Yes there's a huge division, it is created and stoked by the government through their state "mainstream" media like CBC. Those who don't watch or listen to CBC, and those who do but can see through the psyop, are united against mandates. It is only the brainwashed statists who get their opinions from globalists and their puppets who oppose freedom convoy. On the street Canadians are at least 80% pro freedom, cheering and waving and smiling when they see convoys or rallies.
PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
networkallstar tipped drutter (x1)
networkallstar tipped apshamilton (x1)
networkallstar tipped world-travel-pro (x1) @networkallstar tipped @samstonehill (x1)
You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!
Pro Tip : Stop complaining or you will have everything zeroed out. This is the way Hive works.
That is true. But I don’t think they are Satanists. They are just pricks. There is a big difference.
It was a joke.
No. I mean that I made a Joke about Satan on that post. It was a joke.
Hold the line!
If the downvoters want to come shit all over my comments and remove my little tiny bit of payout, go for it. Bring it. But they only go after people they see as threats to their own standing.
Dozens of really good content creators have been destroyed and driven away by these tactics.... that I'm aware of.
Downvotes have a positive side but they can definitely be used destructively and inappropriately.
Exactly, these whales must think of how they are ruining HIVE's reputation by acting as gatekeepers and censorship. They appear to be MSM and WEF/NWO stooges. What a failure the free speech platform HIVE has become under these tyrants.
It appears to also be about diminishing certain topics from the platform, such as the entire Freedom Convoy movement. There are several whales who do little more than look for such content to hide with their massive downvotes. This keeps Freedom Convoy off the trending and hot pages. There's a political agenda at play here and it's sad to see on the blockchain.
Edit: For example, this account's rep was 55 yesterday and is 53 today. It would only take a few more days (rep is exponential, like the Richter scale) to completely destroy the account and undo all payouts and visibility. This is a problem.The posts and even comments on @FreedomConvoy have been targeted by these same downvoters.
It's getting worse - some new account just joined the attack:
Totally wiped that post out. :(
(5/5) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <>< NFT for Peace
Because it was 2-tired
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/4)@drutter, I sent you an on behalf of @networkallstar