we have shut down the world for a bloody cold.

in Informationwar5 years ago

mummified, or feminised, this is the end of the line for weak decadent western civilisation. america might be about to get a corpse as its president while unsealed court documents show bill clinton, kevin spacey and a whole host of other sick rich famous perverts should be in jail or executed, and not on the telescreen smilng and telling us what to think every second.

no debate is allowed, all dissent is censored, propaganda is continuously poured down the minds of most people who are still watching the news every day and trusting that information while being trained to disregard anything or anyonethat disagrees. this is a fear-based shock trauma psychological operation inflicted by government forces who have been developing these techniques for years.

for those of us who can see through it, it looks like a child's puppet show, like sellotape on the lunar lander: saying masks are a waste of time and then 6 months later telling everyone to wear them and no one questioning it (apart from the few.) erasing the views of ordinary doctors all over the world because it would end the fear and people would go back to normal. but they don't want us to go back to normal, they want us in a constantly heightened state of panic and confusion, hence the contradictory information and non sensical edicts like johnson's yesterday 'stay home if you want to avoid a lockdown.'

we're there folks, the time orwell and huxley and london and nietzsche and everyone warned us about.

it's not a joke, people have been led mad, by decades of fear-based trauma psy ops like all of those fake phony hoax terrorist and shooter attacks. plus messing with the ionosphere and the world's weather systems so they can switch sunny and rainy days on and off (again, no one noticing how sunny it was during the whole lockdown, and now we've had weeks of chemtrailed grey and changeable crap) - it is well known that the weather affects people's moods.

they have also changed what we used to call 'food' into some specialist high end item so that most of what we now ingest would probably kill our ancestors. and then years of dumbing down people through control of the education system and common core/ everyone's brilliant type policies so that no one is taught how to think they are simply told what to think, and are emotionally unable to even accept someone has a different point of view let alone consider changing their first-given information.

i think people know there's something wrong, at the back of their minds they're asking themselves should they really be doing this, but then they see everyone else doing it, so it must not be completely abnormal. they have social engineered nations of unthinking zombies who willingly accept whatever you tell them on the telescreen as long as you tell them over and over again for weeks and weeks on end, and never let them hear any other information.

they got people not only by the balls, but the mind, hypnotised, and ready to defend their insanity. don't stop speaking the truth and being a light for sanity and true normality for on second. peace xxx

propaganda records shr.png


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Spot on mate. I have never been normal so I am used to being mad fun of etc😁