Nigerians are suffering

Hello friends am back again bringing you the update in nigeria. The truth is that right now is actually the most difficult time to be a Nigerian, the government of nigeria have made things so difficult for its citizens and the killings are so terrible.


The presidency have manupulated the media, and they cant speak the truth anymore. All they do is hiding the real fact and speaking in favour of the government brcause they fear the big sanctiin that comes with it when they say the truth.


The only place nigerians have freedom of expression is the social media and still the president still goes there to beat trums of war. Treating the people with jail terms if they speak.
They even talked about changing the name of the country NIGERIA to UAR (Unites africa republic). This is dictatorship at its higheat order in a government that is surposed to be democratical.


As of the time of writting there are still serious killings going on in IMO STATE nigeria but the media are not saying anything, foods are expensive, means of survival are very hard. To cut the long story short, nigerians are slaves right in their own land.



Good you speak out. will encourage more to join you.. Courage is catching..

Thank you sir