Zero point energy sounds cool!
Zero point energy, that sentence sounds true. Like there is something there.
But, almost no one knows what it really means.
Or they may get it right, for the wrong reasons.
Again, we run into an experiment that disproves just about all of modern materialistic physics. And, the ivory tower physicists, instead of recognizing this, and starting with new, better theories, they must bend the old rules to maintain the sanctity of the greats.
ZPE disproves the Laws of Thermodynamics.

What actually is Zero Point Energy
Well, it is exactly what it says. (Great Builder, way to explain nothing!)
At zero degrees kelvin, it is defined thusly, that at this point, there is no energy in the system That at 0° K, the atoms stop vibrating.
Well, physicists worked out how to get things to 0° K.
And, some atoms stopped vibrating.
However, other atoms did not.
So, there was energy, at the zero point. Where there is not supposed to be any energy.

If there is energy at the zero point…
So, if these atoms are still vibrating, when they should not be vibrating, then energy is coming from somewhere else. Maybe from the universe, maybe from the atoms themselves. But, since there is this energy, then it can be harnessed.
If there is more energy in the system then there should be, then the Laws of Thermodynamics are bunk. And if those are disproven, then so much of physics falls apart. Pandemonium ensues! Cats and dogs, sleeping with each other. God exists! The big bang is a silly idea. Everything in Modern Materialistic Physics collapses.

Maybe 0° Kelvin is not the coldest temperature…
So, Modern Physicists, trying to maintain their position at the top of the ivory towers, instead of just saying that they were wrong, are now working on ideas where 0° K is not the coldest temperature. That, indeed, you can go colder, by getting warmer. (This is exactly what the current theory they are working on says… sorta)
More technically they are making two axis out of temperature. One is energy, the other is entropy. So, along this "circle" you can go colder (entropy and energy), while increasing the temperature.
Even Maxwell believed in energy from higher dimensions. And it was so written in Maxwell's equations. However, what is printed in Maxwell's book, after the 3rd edition, is Heavyside's simplified equations.
Even long ago, the Ivory Tower Physicists were guarding the Laws of Thermodynamics.

You will be hearing a lot about ZPE and ZPT
Zero Point Technology is the term being used to describe items that produce energy out of nothing. You know, like "alien technology". And that we have (we, being not you or me, but the govern-cement, specifically, The US) crashed alien space craft and have reverse engineered the stuff.
A lot of new inventions and technology are going to be popping up all over. And there will be many continuous, green energy sources being discussed. And the umbrella term will be ZPT.
In Buddhism, the universe came out of nothing. In the beginning there was zero. The perfect ring. The nothingness. And then zero became one. And one became two (duality. Dualistic Universe) And thus our universe was formed.
So, from this esoteric meaning, ZPE actually makes sense. So, although modern physics is going wacko, this name actually has a deep meaning.

Instead of being big boys, the modern Ivory Tower ensconced, materialistic physicist would rather collapse with their ivory towers. Throwing a tantrum until they are forgotten. They could, instead, start working with aether theories, quantum theories, electric universe models and all kinds of other neat stuff that is out today. But no, they must make as much noise as possible while they kick over their blocks.
It is only because of indoctrination, and many circular examples (self reinforcing loops) that Modern Materialistic Physics still exists. The other theories are so much nicer, better looking, better working, better… everything. But no, we must teach about Einstein, with his mind breaking theory. And keep mankind trapped in the slavery to energy.
And the big thing is, none of the other theories deny the existence of God. The Big Bang, the Laws of Thermodynamics, Einstein, they are all there to deny the existence of God. It HAS TO BE random chance that we exist, these Physicists say.
But, the reality is that this universe sits in a sea of energy. It is all around us. It permeates each of us. It is everywhere. And we can learn to tap into it to run our machinery.

From My grasp of things, "particles" are standing waves of energy. That everything is energy, an interaction of energy, and that there is an electro-gravito-magnetic field that pervades the universe, feeding it energy.
And We can access this energy We swim in - but the psychopaths in control avidly hide and suppress any tech that cam, because free energy makes accounting for Our energy (the foundational function of money in any form) pointless, and money is Their single tool to power - it buys all the rest They use, the things and the People.
(I suspect the particles that They say "stopped moving" sis not stop, but that They were unable to detect the movement...)
If We get free energy tech out in the open, this will remove the social entropy We see created by the moneyed psychopaths presently in control.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article):
Sometimes the question is more difficult than the answer. If we have an experiment we can reproduce that defies working theories then we have to propose new ones, but then we need a new experiment to prove that one. Actually, more like a whole regression test suite to check that everything we had explained with the defied theories can be predicted with the new theory.
How did they achieve absolute zero? How can you see this without light energy keeping it above zero?
What it looked like to me was three layers of refrigerators. (heat pumps)
There are also chemical reactions that ALWAYS absorb heat.
So, anyways, there was no light inside. I am unsure how they measured the vibration.
The Ivory Tower guys have done this a lot. An experiment disproves a long held theory, and they just shore up the theory.
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