If you haven't noticed, food prices are going up.
Also, if you haven't noticed, the amount of food on supermarket shelves is going down.
"Chickens are dying from bird flu, that is why the price of eggs has gone way up"
Although, no chicken has died from bird flu that i am aware of. It has been the FDA or USDA showing up, testing the birds (with a PCR test, which is not for this) finding a positive, and telling the farmer they had better kill their flock.
This is just one attack vector that is going on that aims at decreasing population via starvation, malnutrition and poisoning. And, i am being low-key in my proclamation, and staying with what i know. If what i suspect is happening, T.H.E.Y. really are out to kill you, and you should take it personally.

Way too many Agricultural Facilities are "Burning Down"

It's like the number of athletes that have died suddenly from heart attacks. There have been more since COVAIDS than in all of the last century. The spike is significant. And the causes are suspicious. Like Hitlery Clintonian "friends" suicides.
It is also important to note, that this has put more power, in fewer hands. A little bit more, and Tyson is the only chicken you will be able to get in the grocery store.
The places that aren't being burnt down, and what most people don't even know they exist, is bug growing factories. Yes, you will eat ze bugz, or starve. A nefarious force is making sure that will happen.

It Really Is Poison
- Seed oils
- Toxic food dyes
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Roundup
These are all very harmful substances that are in almost everything at the grocery store. And children's cereals are loaded with all of these. This list is the reason so many people are fat.
The reason isn't overeating, (there is that too) but that we eat empty calories, so they stomach thinks it is satiated, but the body thinks its starving. McDs burgers do not have any real nutrition in them. They have been burnt out. Bacteria don't even eat McDs.
On top of this, we destroy our body's cleaning system by putting in fake oils. The liver is mostly fats, and these fake oils are used to rebuild the liver, and they don't work. Do not function. So, people are getting sick. So many disease sprang up, after we learned how to make seed oils, and then the marketing that these were good for you.
We are going to be inundated with the volume of information that is going to be coming out that shows how bad our grocery store food is. And, the nefarious group who have spent so long making this so, will resist people trying to get healthy food.

We are in an Ice Age and Our Farms are Mined Out
We have gone through the rapid heating portion of the ice age (getting it started) and are swinging down into the cold part. Where winters will be long and cold. And summers will be brutal and short. (lots of ice doesn't form if there is no rain, and if there is only cold, there is no rain.)
America, and the world that uses chemical fertilizers, has mined out their farmlands. The crop yields are going down. And soon, they will stop producing. Add this to the shorter summers, and we will see failures like we wouldn't believe. Just when we need the farms to produce, they will fail.
This is bad enough, but those nefarious people are trying to make matters worse. Calling it "global warming", so that we do not realize we are entering an ice age. And those scum are trying to limit the amount of fertilizers farmers can use to lower the CO2 levels. (we actually need more CO2 in the air for plant growth, and we need more carbon in the soil. We are actually almost at extinction level lows on each)
We are heading into the worst weather, at the worst time, and those mother WEFers are not only keeping everyone in the dark, but also trying to start World War III.

I am seeing more empty shelf spots when visting Wallymart. I am seeing shelves with only a few cans on the front of the shelf at supermarkets. And i doubt this will be going away.
Each person really needs to take this time and work out how they will feed themselves. Going on as we have for the past few decades, counting on grocery stores for our food, will end up in us being poisoned and starved. Further, many grocery stores are going to close in major cities. Crime will be too high for them to continue. So, these cities will have nothing, or concrete block buildings with kiosks to order and one way doors to push out your purchases.
Learn about hydroponics. You can grow greens in your house, under LED lights, almost all automated.
Find the joys in raising chickens. Not only do you get better eggs, but the price of eggs will probably continue going up as those bastards try to build the next disease outbreak, bird flu X.
Growing vegetables is easy and fun. Start with container gardens or raised beds. Most people find they really enjoy this. Especially with automated waterers doing most of the work.
Work your way up to having a greenhouse. Year round vegetables changes everything.
Get some rabbit meat and find out if you like its taste. If you do, look at raising rabbits. You can even feed them from grass you bag with your mower.
Work out deals with friends or neighbors to buy a whole cow. You can get better meat for a better price. It is just that most people do not need several hundred pounds of meat at once.
At least store food. While there are mostly filled grocery store shelves, buy a bit extra of things that you eat and will store. Have a minimum of a month worth of food in your house. And then, when those around you go insane because the grocery stores got cleaned out (like they do when a hurricane is coming), you can stay home comfortably knowing your are set for a while.
What we are seeing now with food disruptions are not going to go back to normal. Just like the prices are not going back down.

Difficult times ahead, especially for those unprepared for what comes ahead. I think the empty calories is also the reason why some of these food seems tasteless although on the surface they may have addictives to make people crave more of it. These food instructions have really messed up the human system, turning night into day and vice versa.
Quite an apt statement.
If there is no food...I die of starvation. Too old, disabled, homeless to grow anything in this concrete jungle I am in. So...
I work to divert the mess the moneyed psychopaths in control are trying to create for Us here on Our planet.
And to get rid of lies like "bird flu" - and "viruses" and "contagion."
We can only do what we can do.
So, get more crypto while this is playing out.
With what? As I have said before... I am targeted, elderly, disabled, denied assistance, lost everything, destitute, and homeless, sheltering on friends’ floors and using Their web on My 15+ year old laptop.
I barely have enough for food. And that is becoming more and more problematic as prices rise.
And crypto will be worthless if They break the backbone of the web (They control that piece that all else is connected to).
Or if electricity is lost.
Would much rather get People onboard towards solving for the moneyed psychopaths in control by removing the point of Their single tool to power. I will have a piece I will post later. I hope You see it!
Love always!
The moneyed sociopathic oligarchs no longer control the power or the internet. However, we may have to lose them, in order to gain them.
When i got into solar power decades ago, back when people had to carve their own blades for a wind generator, no one thought of "going off grid" It was for only the insane.
Now, there are lots of people, and they talk about doing just that.
More is coming.
Just how do You figure those hidden hands, with quadrillions...maybe pentillions, sextillions, septillions, who knows? are no longer in control of "the power" or "the internet?" They hold the backbone of the web, as I said. It's military. They can shut it all down any time They want.
Perhaps the script is written to suggest that They have lost power. But... They own the for-profit corporations around the globe, from town to country, that Most call "Our governments."
Yes, Many are working on free energy tech, and speak of going "off grid." But when that free energy starts flowing, money will lose all power(/energy).