Really big changes are coming. We might not even recognize the place 50 years from now.
It will be like the gates of the ivory tower sprang open, and all the tech we have expected since the 90s, suddenly flows out. (but the ivory tower's gates, burst open because the ivory tower is collapsing. And the bribes are no longer enough to keep people quiet) And, more importantly, the ideas come from people building things in their garages.
The future looks very bright!
However, the future also looks scary.
Crypto is rising. Decentralized currency is sweeping aside debt-based-fiat currency, and its printers, the central banksters. However, this comes with the inevitable problem, of sheep who are asleep, waking up to find the ATMs no longer work.
Freedom is scary
But, so is large dinosaurs writhing and thrashing as they gasp their last breaths.

The Bigs falling apart
The too big to fail, have failed.
The energy of our planet will no longer support that kind of structure.
When a business relies on people not understanding the way it works. Bribery and control files do not work well when exposed to the light of truth.
McDs will be ostracised and boycotted as people learn about just what has been done to the food sold there. We are talking about chemical addiction, planned and implemented, as well as selling poison. Poison that you get addicted to. McDs will not only be put out of business, it will be put in the hall of shame.
As we find out what Big Ag has done to our food, there will be a great movement to eating healthy, growing healthy. And, Big Ag's names will become verboten. The businesses and their poisoning ways will no longer be allowed to exist. Poisoning the fields, poisoning the people, CEOs of these corps will flee the country.
Big Pharma will be found out to know that the VAXXX was a death shot, and not only will their corporations never be allowed to do business again, many of the heads of these places will be found hanging from lamp posts.

Aliens coming to visit
Extraterrestrial aliens are real. And they aren't coming to share their tech with us.
(their tech really doesn't work well for us, and we really need to create it ourselves, so that it works for us, the way we think it should)
However, they will bring all kinds of information about life outside of our planet. It will change how we see things.
They will also bring holographic recordings of our history. We will actually get to see the history that has been hidden from us.
We will learn that we are a very young planet and race, and that we are not alone.

New Technologies
It is Sci-Fi World.
Flying cars, med-beds, hot women…
Actually, that was a thing back in Atlantis. They had a machine to adjust your magnetic body. (in a big building to keep you high off the ground, and built from non-magnetic materials) They would adjust your body to be more like the magnetic structure of a baby's. Yes, a baby was used as part of a comparing apparatus. (this was run by women, so women had the power to decide who got to be young again)
This rejuvenation chamber will be recreated, sans-baby. We will use computer models, and probably store YOUR magnetic imprint when you are a young adult.
Green, continuous energy will be implemented (as the govern-cements and the electric companies lose power to stop it)
Ways of moving water, in the sky, without pipes.
And lots of neat gizmos, for the electronics nerds.
These things are all coming.
And LOTS of them use silver. Silver will go WAY up in price.

All the people who want to make the world a better place! Now, is your time.
The people blocking humanity from growing are going to fall out of power.
Psychopaths are almost powerless when everyone knows they are a psychopath, and not to trust them.
The Federal Endtable of Intimidation kept control files on politicians. We! will use these types of information to make sure they are NEVER politicians.
Big things are coming. Big corporations are dying.
Use this time to find your tribe/family. You will want support during these CHANGING times.

They're been finding Human meat in Mickey-D's for decades...
We need to unlearn our reliance on processed food and start cooking meals from scratch. I love how on mainland Europe they are very attached to their food production and feel great national pride over the food they produce. Not so much in England alas - but compared to the US!
America will come from behind and lead the world in organic permaculture!
But yes, right now, Europe is a lot better.
Not allowing half of the poisons The US puts in the food.
And the meat case in Europe is not generic T-bone, Chuck roast… it is Betty, Carla. Each cow is displayed together, all the cuts of that cow in one section.