Many, at least those who had a glimpse of anarchist literature, or literature pointing out the evils of govern-cement, like 1984, Brave New World or Gulag Archipelago, believe that govern-cement is inherently evil. However, it doesn't have to be. But, but, it will probably change its name to something like "The Great Council", "Protectorate"…
Government is a Greek word meaning "mind control"
- Govern - is to control / moderate
- -ment - is a suffix meaning, of the mind.
People will argue that we do not need govern-ment, however, we are not all self governing, so we need a system in which we punish destructive and hurtful actions. Or, protect good people from bad people.
Unfortunately, or current structure of govern-cement is such that it will always be controlled by sociopaths / full blown narcissists, and that is like having the bad people protect the bad people.

What is a Narcissist
In the current DSM, they have written out Sociopaths and Psychopaths, lumping them all into Narcissist. Which is quite sad, because those words were very good at labelling those who were, what they are.
Most people believe that Narcissism just means that the person loves themselves more than others. Like, haughty or self-centered. And, although those are attributes of a narcissist, they are not what makes them a narcissist.
A narcissist has had their person, their ego/self so crushed, that they cannot carry on like that. So, they form a protect false self that then interacts with the world. This also shuts off the mirror-neurons. It shuts off the person's warm empathy. (and the real self dies from neglect, but we don't see that part, but it is why psychiatric treatment doesn't work to heal these people.)
The narcissist grows up seeing how it can manipulate other people. In fact, it has to learn these skills to survive. The conscious is dead. So they have no feelings of remorse over hurting/manipulating others.
The narcissist sees you, as you would see your television or car. Nice, while you are doing the correct things (for them). But, if you are not, you are broken / useless to them, and should be discarded.
Many people, who were in a relationship feel the horrible feeling of being discarded. They wonder how could anyone be that cruel? Don't they have any compassion? The answer is, no, no they don't.
They would kill you except for a few things. Its messy. There are complications like the po-po. And the biggest one, they don't get to see you get tormented by their continued presence.

Narcissists love power. Actually, it is more appropriate to say, the seek out power over others, like you seek out air to breath.
It is part of the false self that is in charge. It knows that they were hurt because they lacked power/control. And so, they will do everything in their power to gain more power/control. There is no stop to this. There is never enough for them to feel safe. Just like how people portray the rich wheeler-dealer. They constantly look at increasing their wealth. Even if they could buy the world several times over.
This love for power makes them do anything, go to any lengths to get into positions of power. And govern-cement is specially designed for them. A top down power structure that doesn't allow talking back.
So, since most don't know anything about narcissism, we do not test for narcissism, and keep them out of positions of power. And since we don't know much about narcissism, we do not see how the structure of govern-cement was designed by, and for them. (look into the beginning of the United States of America. How the Constitution does not match the Deceleration of Independence. A group of people rushed in, wrote the Constitution in private, and then forced it onto the states. Which, many saw at the time, but didn't want to start war again, so they counter-forced the Bill of Rights through)

Govern-cement is run by the most evil… so of course it is evil
A narcissist, if they know what you want, will dangle it out in front of you. And they will do everything they can to not give it to you. Satisfying you lowers their power. THUS! govern-cement made up of a bunch of narcissists, will do everything they can to NEVER solve problems. In fact, they will do everything they can to make it LOOK like they are giving you what you want, but instead giving the exact opposite.
Such as:
- Affordable Care Act
- Homeland Security Act
- The Federal Reserve System (where every word in the name is wrong and misleading.)
So, if you leave the narcissists to run the govern-cement, it will become more and more evil. Even if the structure was good (and it is not), it would soon be turned evil at every level.
A good person gets crushed by the bureaucracy, or they end up on the list of Clintonian's used-to-be friends.

Since we need some kind of way of governing people. While there are still bad guys. While there are still people who cannot self regulate. We will need some kind of structure to deal with them.
The first thing to do is get rid of the narcissists. We shall have tests that we give during televised debates, that will show any who are aware, that the person does not have much empathy. Yes, we have to test for positive empathy, because testing for narcissism rarely works. But, you will often catch out a narcissist when they do not respond correctly to a tragic event.
After we get rid of the narcissists, we will find government works a whole lot better. After that, we can turn it into a far better structure.
What govern-cement becomes in the future is a wise counsel, that you go to, to ask for help with a problem you have. And then they will go out with you to find out all about the problem, so they can give accurate advice. Actually, this is the point that is kinda at the start of having an effective government.

It is, and cannot be else. You are sovereign. You cannot sell, give, nor assign your proprietary authority to will you to act. That authority is uniquely and solely your own. Government, of every type and kind, necessarily claims a higher authority over your actions than you have, which is neither possible nor just. Government is a lie, therefore inherently evil, and a crime against humanity, even without intention to do evil - but that also is inevitable when such evil is undertaken, as evil always seeks it's increase, and government is the playground of psychopaths.
I think to a certain extent, that's how things were in ancient times, a wise statesman with an even wiser counsel that help in governing the state. Humans become really messy when their sense of self is unstable or build on a wrong foundation.
They may have been, but we really do not have a good record of it.
Like, it may be that Greece and Rome were coexistent. They existed at the same time, not one before the other.
And the stories in the Bible may be from a much older time. And may have been parables even then.
However, one thing is for certain, we need to work out governing ourselves much better.
Right. I think it's part of our evolutionary journey to govern ourselves now, in a way that benefits the whole instead of just a few minority.
I will say that controlminds (governments) may start out all rosy, but over time will devolve. Any power over Others will draw the psychopaths (screw the DSM which is put together by psychopaths...). And some of Them are very good at hiding the fact that They are psychopaths.
And I surely would not want to go precrime on People. There are some psychopaths who do choose Their behavior Ethically. (Most don't, but Some do.)
And why do We need People given "authority" We don't have over One anOther?
I Have Authority Over You (article):
Because, if you are living in a community, and one young punk wants to destroy the community, and won't listen to advice and won't stop their harm, then you have to use control over others, and the community has to authorize such use of force.
The tribe kicked out people.
In the future, this planet will have to decide what to do with psychopaths and sociopaths. Other planets do not suffer them to exist, they are killed. Others wipe there minds with electric-shock therapy something something.
Given We are all responsible for arresting, or calling for help in arresting, anyOne breaking or has broken any of the three Laws, I'm just not sure why We need a controlmind.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Beyond that, what is needed?
No, it doesn't. Injured, or threatened, parties can defend themselves righteously, and that eliminates the problem when it is done with extreme prejudice.
The community has no authority, in fact is just a spook, an idea, that cannot have authority, rights, or power.
You're babbling. Enjoy your fantasies and hallucinations.
I am waiting for the "talks with aliens" shows.
And the moment that they bring up, why didn't you talk to govern-cement. You know, "take us to your leader" ?
And that opens up that they do not deal with psychopaths.
I know of the anarchist views that lead to your statements, and know how that logic goes. However, they have to assume all people can defend themselves, that all people can be equal under the law, and that all people are capable of doing right. (or being self governing) And this is wrong, and doesn't really exist.
The group does exist. And the group does do things. It is an energy structure as well, that doesn't exist in each person separately.
So, it has to be worked with, and given legal standing, or defined.
And that group will do things, like expel a used-to-be-member. Sometimes by a vote of every group member who is capable at the time. Or by a single entity that "speaks" for the group.
These things really need to be worked on. Legally speaking. Or in some way that makes it easy to discuss.
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Thanks much
"Governments" no matter what the locations they are in, are nothing but a group of organized terrorists, enforcing their collectivist ideas upon others. The use of force is something any individual is capable of doing to some extent or the others. However, not one individual has that right.
"Govern|ment" proclaiming to get their right to rule over others by the individuals is a lie. An impossibility because if we equal each "right" to govern another, which is equal to zero, then no matter how many people gather to vote and count their right to govern another to delegate that to another, it will always equal to zero. Even if they make their own zero big and emotional, even if they have a million zeros, it will equal to zero. Zero authority plus zero authority will equal zero authority. Their right to rule is an illusion. So the statement above,
Is false. It's not that it doesn't have to be, it's that is impossible. It is not a possibility now nor has ever been.
Recognize your sovereignty.
We don't have the right to rule over others. Government is a super deity and statism is their religion.
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Zuck might not like it, but i have no problem with it.