The laws of ideology.

in Informationwar3 months ago

The laws of ideology.

Hello friends of freedom; The truth is that, if I'm honest, I don't know how to present this publication, I'm going to be very attentive to what you can tell me in the comments because I really don't know, initially I'm not very clear whether to position myself for or against the protagonist . of this story.

And I have my doubts and I believe that you are going to help me discern them a little, because I am kind of lost, I put them in context; A man takes a firefighter exam in the community and the first part, the theoretical part, goes well, but it is in the practical part as always that is the hardest, the physical test where he loses many points in the evaluation.

And then what he does is go to the civil registry to change his sex, he changes his sex and then what he does is choose the qualifying court that will apply the female scale, what the court does is read the law and with the law in the hand has to agree with her, there is no other and applies the feminine scale.

As a result of this, she suddenly rises 100 points on the list and gets the place, a place that by the way she will have logically taken from a woman, because there was no woman with that scale in that call who could compete with the physical tests, if this If done massively, it would mean that no woman could access the fire department under the law, because this man has not even changed his name, he has changed his sex, he still has the same name, the same appearance, he even goes to the men's locker room normally.

The doubt that assails me is, is what he has done right? because on the one hand it seems very unfair to his colleagues who have worked hard, but on the other hand, this is not what the law says, he has not limited himself to applying the law, giving it a spin because on the one hand it annoys me a lot for his colleagues, but on the other hand I believe that these doses of reality are not bad at all for all these social engineers who want to change the reality of things through article x or through the royal decree, I don't know which; who play at being gods who mock human nature by dictating with whim, who is or is not a woman, who can be one, who cannot; because yes because ideologically.

It is interesting, therefore, on the one hand, it seems very bad to me that there are colleagues who have lost their place due to this circumstance, colleagues of this person, but on the other hand they do not suit all these feminazis who demand equality, who demand everything the movement of colors and all this kind of stuff.

I don't know what to think honestly, in the end the big loser is the woman and the users.

Stay Free.