I go back to 80.

Dear diary, the truth is that I am a little confused, I don't know very well if I am awake or I am still living a nightmare, everything around is strange like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, of course if this is the future as they claim, I don't like this future .

Everything was fine, a long and peaceful dream until one day I opened my eyes and a being covered up to the ears was surprised to see me with my eyes open and ran to call another being covered up. After being here for a few days I thought he was still in the 80 and everything seemed to remain the same, people lining up to be pricked and put poison into their veins; Russia in confrontation with the West and threatening to withdraw nuclear power and if that were not enough everyone is talking about that new virus in which you get hives and that only affects homosexuals, I don't know what monkey they call it.

I still remember when the poor traveled by bike to everywhere and barely had anything to eat, well now it turns out that we are the ones who have to go bibi everywhere and the ones who can't pay for food, yes I know, in Instead of the little Chinese guy's piggy bank I would have taken the black guy's.

There are so many new taxes that they even have to classify them with colors, now I think they are going for the color green, everything is green tax, green tax, but you will think that not everyone has done badly, it seems that Bill Gates This computer guy has become super powerful and has gotten rich doing basically the same thing he did in our time, that is, putting viruses in computers and then selling you the antivirus, only now instead of antivirus on floppy disk you get They sell it injectable, but otherwise it's the same, you have to update it every so often and don't resist buying their updates because they call you a denier, which I don't really know what it is, but it must be very bad, because they call it all those who don't do it. what the TV says.