The media lies and manipulation are too much in this election. I'm going to tune out

in Informationwar7 months ago

Just when we were getting used to Joe vs Don they switched it up on us and watching the media go into full assault with a new candidate entering the picture was predictable because of course they were always going to do this, but the amount of attacks and outright lies that the media are telling on both sides is just too frustrating for me to watch anymore and therefore I am going to tune out completely because it is just too maddening to even bother reading it anymore at this point.


Just one thing out of many that I found really irritating was the fact that seeing as how the border and immigration issues are a very hot topic for this election, the media really tried - and probably succeeded with a lot of people - to convince the public that Harris was never in charge of securing or monitoring the border. There are plenty of videos that show her accepting exactly that role and Biden referring to her as such, yet many media outlets were trying to push the blame on.... jeez I don't even know who. This sort of manipulation is expected of the incredibly dishonest media in our country and I can't help but feel as though they only do it so that people will still tune in to see what sort of malarky they are coming up with next.


Both sides are claiming that something good that happened was totally their doing and anything bad was someone else's responsibility and of course, since both sides have some level of incredibly powerful media helping them out, they are able to whip up some convenient statistics as "proof" that they are the best. If we were to take what both candidates said at face value, then both of them have created monumental amounts of jobs and are solely responsible for all prosperity that has ever happened, any bad things? Well that was the other guys.

It's just too much to take and I am sick and tired of the bullshit. It seems like almost every headline that I read depending on who wrote it talks about how "Trump is done" or "Kamala gets devastating news" and then you read the article and it is just reiterating the same boring talking points or outright lies about how, for example, Trump wants to ban abortion. They keep talking about that even though it has been repeatedly debunked over and over again. The right is doing the same thing as well and no, I am not trying to say that one side is worse than the other as far as the media is concerned. Nobody is telling the truth and listening to these two, or their PR people constantly talk about how "the other side is scared to debate" is just beyond old.

No doubt the next debate is going to get big ratings and yes, the moderators and the questions are going to be rigged etc but here is the thing I want to ask of everyone that is watching that or is excited about it: "What's the damn point?" Everyone has already made up their minds about who they are voting for outside of a few independents out there. They are either voting for Trump or they are voting for whoever isn't Trump. I don't think anyone actually thinks that Harris is a good choice for President, they just desperately don't want Trump to be President and even though I disagree with much of that sentiment, I can understand how a lot of people would end up feeling that way.

The news is just so dishonest on all sides right now to the point where both sides are employing people to make memes for them because that spreads like wildfire and isn't subjected to any fact-checking scrutiny. I mean, who are you going to sue? Some random meme creator on Reddit? Well good luck with that.


I am very excited for the next 3 months to be over and right now, I don't really even care who wins. I do know that any campaign mail I get in my mailbox, regardless of who it is sent by, will have "REFUSED" written on it with a permanent marker because then the shipper has to pay postage to have it sent back as well. Screw both of these guys and their absurd campaigns. I don't believe you or any of your media cronies.


I didn't know this about writing refused on campaign mail. I'll be doing it too, although I get very little of it.

Curiously, and inexplicably, I do know people who are excited about Harris, and were excited about her in 2020, too. It's truly weird, to use a word being bandied about in politics of late.

The news is like a never ending attack of vomit. The public eats it up, then regurgitates it, so that the media regurgitates it again as news. I used to read the NYTimes every day mostly to keep up on what lies we are being expected to believe on any given day (believe the opposite of whatever it says about conservatives), to keep us all on the edge of a knife. Stop perusing any of the stuff on MSM, and be very careful what independent sources you consult. Ignore national elections, which are pure entertainment for the masses, annual bones thrown to the slaves.

I've heard it said that politics is Hollywood for ugly people, but I can turn off a TV show I don't like or refuse to buy tickets for movies I don't want to see. These sociopathic thieving busybodies intrude no matter what I try to do. But at least we can occasionally point out the sociopathic thieving to someone who is ready to see it.

Speaking of sociopathic thieving, I finally started The creature from Jekyll Island. Essentially, we've been living under financial fascism for more than 100 years. Now we can add the war cartel and pharmaceutical cartel to the list of thieves. Good to know! Stay away from them all in every way you can. Don't go to western doctors. Use cash, hoard coins. I wish I could avoid paying any taxes at all, then I wouldn't be paying the thieves to rob me.

I'm not completely opposed to western medicine, but the pharmaceutical side of that is largely untrustworthy for sure. The banking system is wholly corrupt. The Mises Institute has a free download of What Has Government Done to Our Money? by Murray Rothbard if you want even more info in a concise essay.

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I think I get so much of it because the Democrats think they can pull NC because we are mostly a swing state although in this federal election cycle I believe, and polls would indicate that it is not so this time around.

National elections are a waste of time and dear lord, the amount of money spent on them could be used to better the lives of so many people. Folks need to pay closer attention to their local elections that are going to affect their lives far more than a federal one is going to. Our last local elections had a pretty fantastic turnout compared to what they are like historically speaking... at just over 30% turnout.

These are the same media personalities who claim Jan. 6 was an "insurrection" and Trump was a "Russian asset" while the BLM riots were "mostly peaceful," so are we at all surprised about how much gaslighting is happening this time around?

not surprised at all I guess. I think for me it has just been so long that I forgot how vitriolic it all can be and I get annoyed at how the media just works as an extension of a particular party.


You just cannot make all this rubbish up and shows desperation with lies followed by more lies. I avoid politics normally and the next few months this is going to only get worse.

I was paying attention to it before because I found it amusing. Now that a new player has entered the game watching the media do a total about - face on her is just really annoying to again realize that there is no actual news out there, just allegiance.
