Um... My father worked with Thomas Townsend Brown on electrogravitics, and told Us all about what the tech was offering: gravity control and energy from the aether. So... Obviously some of Us have it fully in Our Consciousness.
And free energy will END war. War is a racket, as Smedley said, and is used for profits. When free energy is flowing, money will become pointless, given its foundational function is to account for the energy We add into a system. There will be no profit in war, and We ALL will live as richly as We choose.
Why go to war when no One is desperate?
Any who suggest that free energy is a tool to war is either not seeing the whole picture or is trying to hide the tech for Their own profit. In fact, the Ones who pulled Dad's work into black projects use it to profit off Us. I would bet a great deal of the energy We use They produce freely and charge Us for.
None of this is free energy. It's close, but it is not.
And you would use some lifters to make a wheel spin.

This is gravity control.
They use it to make flying saucers for the govern-cement now.
What you call aetheric energy, may be better to call atmospheric energy.
There is a voltage difference as you go higher in the atmosphere.
The difference is, that you will need a machine to turn these forces into energy. And you can only get a limited amount of it out. (limited meaning a lot in human electrical usage, but not reality destroying amounts.)
Yes, it's gravity control and free energy. The Biefeld-Brown effect is what offers the free energy. My father would regale Me with what the world would look like when I grew up because of His work:
"Cities would float, cars would fly, and We would have all the energy We could use." And Electrogravitics was shown to work BETTER in a vacuum than in the air.
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):