Should Parent Decide Our Career Path

in Hive Naija2 days ago

Hello guys, this entry is in response to day 21 of the #octoberinleo prompt dropped by the #inleo community. Feel free to check it out.

We all have a lot of choices in life, but one of the major ones is what we are going to do to make a living. It is the path that leads us to our future, brings us joy, and allows us to contribute to society. On the other hand, many households are like that and the parents feel that they should decide the children's careers. This often causes frustration and unhappiness for the child. In my opinion, parents should not decide what career their children should pursue. No they just need to point them in the right direction and let them make the descisions that are best for them.
I mean I know that most parents just want the best for their children. They might think that they are securing a stable, successful future for them by picking out a career. For example, back in Nigeria, most of the parents there would only want there children to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer, simply because they are "respectable" careers that pay a lot of money. But then again not all kids want to be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer. Forcing a child into a career they have no passion for can lead to a life of regret, stress, and disappointment.

One of my friends had a similar experience. She always had a love for art and had always wanted to be a fashion designer. She was artistic, always doodling new designs and she already made clothes for herself. But her parents didn't really recognize fashion as a "major" and made her go for accounting. They say accounting is good for a job, good living. My friend, out of respect for her parents, followed their decision. But during her years in school, she struggled. She found the courses difficult, uninteresting, and depressing. She never went into accounting after she graduated. She lost years of her life studying a major she really didn't care for, and the thousands of dollars her parents paid for her education went down the drain.
That is the danger of letting parents pick there childrens careers. They may have good intentions, but if the child has no passion for the chosen career, it becomes a waste of time, energy, and resources. A job should be something that makes one feel complete and content not just something that puts money on the table. Kids should be allowed to explore what they are interested in and what they are good at and the parent's job is to nurture that. The reason that when a child finds something that they love to do, they will be successful at it because they will actually work and be dedicated to it.

Parents should also understand that the world is changing. Many of the jobs that existed years ago are no longer relevant, and new careers are emerging. Jobs like digital content creation, graphic design, software development, well hell anything that has to do with computers weren't so common back then, and now look at it. Parents must be liberal enough to allow their children to go into these "modern" careers, should they be talented and interested in these fields.

Parents should not decide their children’s careers. They should simply point their children in the right direction and let them figure out what it is that will truly make them happy. A parent's role is not to control but to nurture and motivate. Kids that are allowed to find their own way tend to be more successful and happier. Keep in mind that money is not the only thing success brings, it is also happiness and self fulfillment.

All images were properly sourced

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I also feel like this is the best option 💪🏾

Yea. I believe it is. Thanks for stopping by.