Gifts from the Heart: Showing Love to Those Who Truly Matter

in Hive Naijalast month

There are a lot of people who hold a lot of meaning in our lives and especially certain people have a bit more value than others those special people are going to have that amount of affection from our side which is going to be always unique from our side as well as always is going to remain a very special Bond and that is something which we cherish in our life is well because they small moments and the small bonds are what makes us so special for someone and also we need to value that in such a way that it does not ever fade away which is what we always need to ensure by our actions as well as the efforts that we need to give in.


There are a lot of ways of showing affection and that is something that allows people to talk about us well in many different ways they can do that and always display the amount of affection that someone holds for someone else and that can be done in many ways but one of the best things but can be done is by gifting someone something. Gifts often are one of the best options to be packed while showing affection to someone and also portray that we do care about someone and it is a way and expected moment for someone and having that received from someone else is a very good token of love and gratitude.

Gifting someone is much more than just basically exchanging items in life because it often has a very good ability to convey a lot of emotions without even a single word and that ability can be used in a very good manner as well as having a very good impact on the person is well and getting those things done can be one of the best things to do to be putting a lot of appreciation to someone and it is one of the best ways and also the thoughtful one to express our emotions for them and make someone feel special.


As the new year has started and we are almost at the end of the first month of the year already then we often get to remind ourselves about the special people who are around us as well as who mean a lot to us wealth and making them feel special is also something that we often get ourselves to remind as well and that can be done by gifting something to those people and while ever sing him about this one of the people who came to my mind is going to be my partner.

I feel very fortunate enough to have her in my life and she has been a very good blessing for me in all sorts ever since she arrived in my life I often don't find ways to put the amount of appreciation that I have for her through whatever actions that I can do but it is always going to remain a bit lesser in terms of what she deserves so she is going to be on one of my top lists to gift something.

There are a lot of events around the Year and in each one of them I am already starting to plan what is going to be the gift for that particular special day as there are a lot of days for the example such as Valentine's week is coming up very soon as well as after that there are also a lot of special days which has the girlfriend day as well as around both the as well so there are a lot of days which I already need to plan as in the previous year as well I made a lot of plans for everything most of them went to plan but this time I am going to make sure that everything that I plan works out as well the way I intend them to.


The previous year there were a lot of problems because I already made a lot of plans about the gift that I wanted to give her on specific days but on one of those days there were a lot of issues with regarding the shipment which was a very spoilsport and in one of those days I had to actually skipped giving that particular gift or even have to give it on another date and that definitely does not sound good and also look great as well I know she would not mind it surely I always look for perfection and that is something that I would like to fix this year for sure.

I am not a great artist and can't prepare something with my own hands and that has been something which I have been working for on a very long period as personalized gifts are always going to have a great impact on sure and that is something which I have not been able to do but this year I am planning to do something which is going to be bed by my own itself and that is going to be something which I would gift her on one of the days that has to be used in this particular year for gifting her and that is one of the gifts that I already planned and I am working very hard and that is well to practice myself in the best possible manner.

All in all,l she is going to be at the top of the list for gifting something and I am going to make sure that there are going to be all of the gifts that she is going love and enjoy once she receives them and that is going to be my one of the only targets about gifting for sure and always going to look for ways in which I can make the best out of it because the last year there were a lot of issues about the shipping dates and those delays which are not something that I enjoyed truly which ly I am going to fix it over a lot in this year.

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She is lucky to have you and yes gifts made by hand are cherished more than the ones you buy with money.

Indeed, she had given me many handmade gifts over the years. That is something I'd like to do for her as well now.

Alright, I hope you can think of the proper gift to make and give her.

I surely will try my best :)

I'll be waiting to see or hear her response after you've gifted her.

You are intentional about gifting her something precious. You might want to consider getting something that doesn't need to be shipped or you order early so the gift can come early even if there will be some delays.

Indeed I will do a bit better planning this time around so that anything like that doesn't happen for sure.