Learn to love yourself.

in Hive Naija3 months ago

Every person has a sense of self-respect. No matter what religion, race, or nationality a person belongs to, every person has a sense of self-respect. No one ever wants to sell this self-respect or let their self-respect be destroyed. I think it is very important for a person to have a sense of self-respect. A person who does not have a sense of self-respect cannot actually be called a human being. No one ever wants to give a price to a person who does not have a sense of self-respect, they always try to avoid him. And these people are never very important to anyone. Because everyone thinks that this person has no sense of self-respect, no matter how much we insult him, at some point if we call him, we will definitely get him, basically he becomes worthless to people slowly. But that person can never realize that on his own. Many of us can do a lot of things for love or want to do a lot or many of us have done a lot. At the end of the day, there are many people who make themselves too small for their loved ones, maybe in the hope of getting some love. People love to receive and give love, but there are some people who always use others.
Those people are only used by others as people who do not have the slightest sense of self-respect. If I want to explain this to you better, it will be something like this, you think you love someone so much, so much that you are ready to do anything for them. Here I am not talking about a lover or a lover, but here I can also compare it with a husband and wife. People sacrifice a lot for their loved ones just to keep that loved one happy. There are also many people who save the heart of that loved one even by sacrificing their last self-respect. But does that person on the other side love you the way you think you love him..? Does that person on the other side treat you the way you want him to..? Does that person on the other side try to keep you happy the way you want him to be happy..? Maybe your answer in this case can be yes or no, but if your answer is no, then understand to whom you are loved only out of necessity.


When your bad times come, you will see that this person will hesitate to leave you for a minute. This person is actually using you for his needs, he never loves you from his heart, you have loved him in your own way. Although love is a very small word, many poems, novels and literature have been written in the world because of this love. A person can become anxious and desperate for love, people do not hesitate to cross seven seas and thirteen rivers for love. But at the end of the day, if this love turns out to be false, how will you hold yourself back..? How will you console yourself...?? How will you expect anything from the person to whom you are worthless..??
Every person has a sense of self-respect. No matter what religion, race, or nationality a person belongs to, every person has a sense of self-respect. No one ever wants to sell this self-respect or let their self-respect be destroyed. I think it is very important for a person to have a sense of self-respect. A person who does not have a sense of self-respect cannot actually be called a human being. No one ever wants to give a price to a person who does not have a sense of self-respect, they always try to avoid him. And these people are never very important to anyone. Because everyone thinks that this person has no sense of self-respect, no matter how much we insult him, at some point if we call him, we will definitely get him, basically he becomes worthless to people slowly. But that person can never realize that on his own. Many of us can do a lot of things for love or want to do a lot or many of us have done a lot. At the end of the day, there are many people who make themselves too small for their loved ones, maybe in the hope of getting some love. People love to receive and give love, but there are some people who always use others.