Marketing a Product

in Hive Naija6 months ago


A lot of products we use are either marketed to us directly or indirectly and some people would fall for every word being used to market a product because these marketers have sweet and sugar-coated mouths that would make you fall for them and get whatever they are advertising to you.

I am not exempted because I have found myself being lured to buy some products which I never intended to get or didn't add to my budget, while some are good as they said, others are fake and you discovered they were lying just to sell their products.

I don't easily fall for products I know do not benefit me no matter how hard you try to convince me. I make sure to think before going for such a product, especially in the hands of these road sellers as I assumed many of their products are fake, so whoever falls for it would have to regret, and unfortunately, they are unreturnable except if you discard them away making you waste your money.

I have been told sweet words by marketers to buy their goods, but just like I said, it's only when I am convinced and know deep down that I need the products. Some people do not need to waste their saliva to convince me but showcasing their products publicly would speak for them and one wouldn't be forced to get them when there are convincing captions/inscriptions that would make you go for those products.

I remember one time I was inside my room, and I heard some people marketing their products. I and some students went outside to see what they were selling because one of the ladies had a sweet mouth and it was as if she had rehearsed those catchy and convincing words and started pouring them out without mincing a word for another.

We stood with our hands in akimbo and watched the whole drama, especially when we noticed something that got us doubting their products. They were selling these face creams that clear pimples, acne, and all other rashes on the face and body. The lady who was running her mouth with sweet words had pimples on her face. It was looking bad, and that made me shocked at how she couldn't try the products on her face before marketing them.

We were smiling when she approached us and started telling us the whole work the cream does. A student beside me asked her why she couldn't use it on her face to clear the pimples away, and she just smiled and walked away. She and other colleagues didn't sell anything in our area because people assumed they were fake and just wanted to make money from us. Perhaps others have fallen for the trick elsewhere.


One thing with marketing these products is that I look at you to see if what you are marketing has been tested on you and proven to be effective and not trying to sell fake things. I would rather walk to a big store from an expert than buy from someone who walks about the whole street marketing with sweet words and selling fake products all in the name of wanting to sell and make money for that day.

There was another time I was travelling, and while on the bus, I realised I'd forgotten my earpiece which I use to keep myself entertained and not feel bored. A guy approached me to market his products. He brought out this earpiece and with a sweet mouth, made me get it. I had no choice as I needed something I could plug into my ears to listen to music or watch movies. I knew these products were fake, but I just had to get one. I never used the earpiece the second time when it got spoilt. I wasted #2000 and I wasn't pained since I'd been expecting something of such.

So, no matter how much one tries to use words to make me fall into buying their products, if I am not convinced or do not need it, I won't buy it unless there is someone who would confirm its authenticity of how they have used the products and worked for them, only then would I think of trying it out too.

Both images are mine

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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 6 months ago  

Ah. It's the lady's audacity to sell such cream for me. Lmao. Sorry about the earphones. If only you had waited to buy at a better place. Did the earphones even have a brand name?

A big audacity from her. They want to sell and make money fast but they forget we are also observant. Lol
I can't remember if it had a name because it was in a nylon and not a pack as some used to be.

It's marketers job to sell, and it's left for us to think of what value the product will be to us before buying.
About the pimples girl, it's very understandable 😂.
My friend stopped marketing her Oriflame products when she had a serious breakout. She was on low key until the pimples cleared.

2K is a lot of money, sorry about that.

You are right. They sell but we decide what to buy or not depending on the value. These marketers are trying too because they wouldn't want to be out there marketing a product that has no proof it works on them. Lol
Thank you for reading.

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❤️ @nkemakonam89 suggested

Hahaha 🤣🤣 can the company choose a lady with pimples to market such products..that's error number one.. lmao 🤣😂😂
It's a red signals you guys captured immediately

Marketters no dey carry last.. anything to sell their market goes

 6 months ago (edited) 

They weren't observant na. They thought the buyers wouldn't notice those small details 😆😆 error number one indeed.

That marketer would have been embarrassed but there is no sense in selling a product that you have not tried. Some of these marketers even swear with their life just to get sales, hmm.

Don't mind them. They swear when it's all lies. They can do anything just to market their products.

Lol, I wonder why because of a few commission they would do such. It is well with them

Exactly. They will do anything for that commission.