My incorporate Thinking Habit

in Hive Naija3 days ago

Hello everyone, Good evening and welcome to my blogs

If I could change just a single thing within myself, it would be my stop circling back thoughts. This particular feature expresses itself as an uncontrollable tendency of prolonged detailed thought analysis on every single event, decision, or interaction. While engaging in such self reflection, in a healthy way, might enable one to appreciate themselves more deeply, develop personal abilities even, this bsuch negative thinking have effected my mood of reasoning and lack of confidence within myself.


More often than not, it is to these compelling thoughts that cause the breach of the command that I should carry the right decisions urges or the possible wrong moves that I should not make. In some of these cases, that particular characteristic has been my advantage. It makes me entertain some thoughts and view the problem in a critical manner. Nevertheless, it also creates delay in the form of analysis whereby a cycle of thinking rationally gets extended without action being taken. Hence even such activities that should not be difficult to make a decision on like the dressing to wear or the wording of a reply to a message become hard. I tend to look at both sides of any issue too much and am anxious about the consequences in every respect. This often results in an inability to make up one’s mind and can prove quite heap as well as a waste of time.

To add on, I have trouble of overthinking within regards of my relationships. I constantly run through the conversations that I had, contemplating on what I had said or whether I might have hurt anybody’s feelings. This insecurity can often be counter productive because it inhibits interpersonal relations as it makes me want to stay withdrawn rather than relate with them fully due to the possibility of miscommunication. My relatives and friends also see me as cold and detached, sometimes forgetting that I am locked in a whimsical world in my head.

In the corporate sphere, the fear of failing and subsequently being judged is what fuels overthinking. I am used to suppressing any urge to try anything new or take any chances because I have played situations over and over so many times conclusively that it is clear that openness will not answer. This can be a hindrance to my professional development and experiences. I am aware that a lot of go-getting people do not fear the unknown and are willing to take some risks, but usually, I end up not acting because I am afraid that things might turn out adverse.

In an effort to stop overthinking, I have tried numerous methods including mindfulness and keeping a journal. Through mindfulness perspective I am able to stay in the present moment and attend to what is going on instead of focusing on what could happen. This is because I focus too much on the extreme possibilities. As for journaling, writing down whatever comes to mind prevents my brain from going into overdrive from worrying. Still, despite the little relief that these methods have provided, the urge to overthink is still ever present.

Were this to be possible, it is likely that I would want to be less extreme in my decision making. I would like to learn how to trust my gut feeling and accept the unknown without fear. This would not only help in reducing the depression that comes with overthinking, but it would also help in building more meaningful relations with people. I picture speaking to people freely without the concerns of how I sound or what I say is interpreted. I would be allowed to risk myself, personally and work wise, without the incessant nag of self-derision.

In an ideal world, I would be able to make decisions when necessary like an individual at peace without going round in circles upon the needed elements. I would welcome the unexpected and accept that errors are part of living and not an alpebeheat is a pun risk that should be avoided at any cost. This change in my way of thinking would be good for me since I would focus on the present and would not have to worry about various problem that may or may not come to pass.

overthinking is certainly something that is a great part of me but I know its limitations and how it affects my way of life. Should there be an opportunity to radically alter this feature, I would not only achieve calmness but enjoy life more. I would also seem to wallow in the uncertainty.


We are very alike. Much so alike that after reading your post I thought you were talking about me, literally.
But I don't think you should stop, sharpen it, I will say. Channel that trait into something significant.

To be honest we are all different for a reason, just imagine a society without critical thinkers, we would still be in the stone age by now.

So just find a support system and then focus on building your critical thinking. So as you can make split decision, if you build it to that point. I tell you, the world is going to be your play thing.

Thank for stopping by

Don't mention

Overthinking is not just the best as it can weigh you down and can bring you to a state you do not expect to be in.

Anyway, as suggested by @sabiukpa , you just have to find a way to make a good use of it. Imagine using it to solve problems that people cannot solve. It can make you become a genius in your own way.