Herbs are potent too, but we are taking a compound mixture of substances in concentrations that aren’t measured. For instance, we want a cure for fever and hence decide to take the juice of bitter leaves or neem tree leaves. This will work for the fever well, but we have no idea how much or how little of it to take. That will be just enough.
And along with the active ingredient, it is possible that other ingredients in herbs can cause some harm to our system. It is a good thing to know that some of our herbal stores have undergone some experiments too, and we have guides that often give us some measurements of the herbal drugs to take.
Would you like to try some scent leaves here for diarrhea and stomach disturbances
Personally, I have found frozen pumpkin juice good enough for boosting PCV and blood levels against anemia.
While I took a lot of the juice as a young girl, squeezing the leaves in a cup and mixing it with malt drinks, I can barely take it as an adult now.
It has a foul taste, although the malt makes it a bit drinkable. As an adult now, I prefer to have the leaves cooked in my meals. Eating a good quantity of it constantly keeps our blood level in check. It is highly potent and recommendable, and in order to have it close at hand, I have planted some fluted pumpkins at home. They are among the most expensive vegetables around.
In harm in growing healthy vegetable for food and it's medicinal use
Have you taken beetroot before? This is one of the best blood-boosting home remedies I know of. Beetroot is healthier for drinking compared to the fluted pumpkin extract. You enjoy its juice blended with other fruits in the manner you desire.
Another potent herbal remedy I know of is the palm kernel oil used for treating fever and controlling body temperature and convulsions in children, although it can be used for adults too. The palm kernal seed is often harvested from within its hard shell and roasted over coal to bring out the clear oil.
From the olden times until now, nursing mothers have robbed their babies bodies to control feverish conditions and high temperatures. We could equally drink some for the same reason and also to treat coughs and nasal congestion.
For the treatment of typhoid fever, I know of a mixture of lemon grass, neem tree root, pawpaw leaves, and other substances that have been cooked together and utilized as treatments.
Here goes our lemon grass. Modern medicine also confirmed it antibacterial and antifungal property, maybe typhoid infection included
You may want to try some jute mallow juice for an expectant mother, it makes labour very easy.
One thing I have to say is that regardless of the potency of these natural herbs, we should be sure that what we are taking will not resort to poisoning our systems. A lot of people recommend various substances these days; hence, we have to be mindful of whatever we take.
All images are mine, Image 1 is Canva designed.
link My submission to the daily #Julyinleo I'm equally using this to invite all my friends to share with us their experiences using traditional medicine
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Omoh. You have opened my eyes to something I didn’t know. Wow. I remember my uncle (bless his soul) used to boil lemon grass and drink the water. I’ve forgotten what he was taking it for. And Red oil has helped to neutralise poison for some people around me. Its power is potent.
Yes dearie, good to have you stop by.
Herbal medicine is indeed a blessing to humanity and has been saving lives since. However, there is need for carefulness as regards dosage so as not to lead to toxicity and harm.
Awesome and educative write-up, you have done well. 👏
Thanks for checking in
It's amazing how things around us can be used to treat minor ailments just as our ancestors have used them in their time. I agree with you that we need to be careful since we aren't sure of the measurements and the effect the herbs could have in our system.
In my tribe a new mom will use scent leave in their soups for six months to avoid colic in new born and to help the new mom get her flat tummy back and it work so well.
You are right we have to be very careful with any herbal medicine when it comes to their measurements as to avoid misuse of such herbs.