in Hive Naija5 months ago


While I was just a kid, precisely at four years old, I saw and heard my friends and neighbors talk about the sweet feeling that comes from having the male gender as a senior sibling.

There is this special care and attention that comes from a male gender once he has ulterior motives, how much more one who loves a girl that is bonded by blood to him? Most times I would imagine things like: Us going places together, him holding my hand to cross the road, hugging me when I cry at meaningful and irrelevant things, times when he would sacrifice his meal for me , just because it is my favorite and making his friends know he was proud to have me as a sister. To crown my imaginations all up, I wanted a brother that behaves like a lover boy.

It still amazes me how my imaginations could not get me reality. I was born to see three (3) sweet girls as my siblings. As sweet as that sounds, I still needed my imaginations become a reality. Do not get me wrong, a girl sibling is good but I needed something different from myself. I am someone everyone consider to be a big baby and my siblings who knew I was growing up tried so hard to remind me that. They avoided all kinds of unnecessary attention I ever desired, their aim was to make me a matured lady who could manage her emotions. But far be it from me that was the last impression I ever wanted to have.

The good part of the whole thing, is that I was not the only person that wanted a male sibling, my parents especially my dad, wanted someone of his kind but it was not just working. The only difference between my desire and theirs was the position of the male child. I needed the male child as a senior sibling but they paid less attention of the birth order of the child.

I remember vividly well , when I was ten (10) years old, my mom was pregnant for the sixth child, after having five (5) girls already. The funny thing is that she refused going for a scan to find out the gender of the child but she went ahead to buy lots of male dresses. That is the extent my parents went to fulfill my desire and their desire for a male child. At the end of her pregnancy journey, she ended up making us six (6) girls.

All along, I still did not give up on my imaginations, I expressed myself desires at the slightest chance and my siblings decided me an alternative solution to my desire. They got me a friend and wanted him to act like a senior brother but as the saying goes “blood is thicker than water”, the guy after a while did not reach my description of a senior brother, so I began to create a gap between us and fortunately he noticed and the rest is story……

Three years later, mom got pregnant again and BOOM!!! A male child came,

good enough I have a male sibling and wonderful to know that my dad’s name will continue….

I am so glad because I now have a brother but the age gap between us is so much for him to play the roles I ever dreamed of. The fact of not being able to have a senior brother has made me to see every male out there as a senior brother, even when they make known the fact that their intentions towards me are far from that .No matter how hard I try, I find myself seeing the male gender from a brotherly perspective,

those who are reputable though, and the bad eggs, I view them as total strangers.

I wish they all understand that it is not my fault.

Thanks for reading up.

The pictures are all mine, none are internet sourced.



I wanted an elder sis, you wanted an elder brother... Did you what are the odds of that?

The only difference is I got an elder sister, and you got a junior bro....
Wishes can become horses if you have faith... Lol I don't even know what I am saying.

thanks for reading through @sabiukpa.

A girl sibling is good, as it's what I have in my children. My first child is a girl. This means my boys have their superiority over girls. It was what I wanted when I was still growing up, but unfortunately, I came alone and just me.

Thanks for reading through