marveldesign cross-posted this post in Hive Naija 9 months ago


in #life9 months ago

#life's journey.. ( the pursuit of life's edifices in correlation with Christianity)

#Christianity ( it's entailment and correspondence to standard living )

Over the years, I've always been scared of committing to Christianity ( so to say) , always holding back , seeming to stay on the fence, never going deeper than I thought I should ..


At a point... I convinced myself that I know enough to be a Christian, that I'm a believer, that I needed a supernatural encounter for my faith to be truly stirred, for my foundation in Christ to be solidified building a stronger conviction..

I convinced myself that everyone has a threshold in which their faith is founded and birthed. in other words, that we believe differently. some through reading,others through listening, while some needed a true encounter in their part to give in to believing...



Maybe I've been too scared to commit thereby always tend to find a way to stay away from the truth so it has no influence on me or per say my lifestyle..

Or maybe I just want to be free even though knowing that the word FREEDOM is an illusion..

Or maybe I think that being committed will hold me back from the lifestyle I may choose to live...

Or maybe bcos I get irritated by the justifications some make in committing sin intentionally while still holding or claiming Christianity..

Or maybe bcos people now presently rate Christianity by societal standard's attesting it to CHURCH GOING even while commiting sin and then prejudicing others as pagans.

Hence the big question, WHY DO WE NEED GOD?.


In as much as the question may seem nostalgic, it has been a major point of thoughts for many individuals..

Is the purpose of Christianity based on inspiring morals so as to create or enact a standard of living ?.. or is it about making heaven after death? ( if heaven,then how true is heaven) ..

Truthfully speaking, I've seen people without faith live in peace, harmony and growth both financially and others. With proper morals, inspiring others yet faithless.if living upright doesn't require God, WHY DO WE NEED GOD ?

I beseech us to speak from a place of teaching and learning without prejudice with valid points, reasons to impact conviction.