Astrology and zodiac signs; can they really predict.

in Hive Naija3 months ago

Whether I believe in astrology and zodiac signs,,ok let's start from the early days,remembering memories of my childhood,remember a day I was out with my grandma,that day we were out waiting for my ggrandma usual story telling,I was out too,lying on my back and gazing up at the star filled cloud.My grandmother came out and I guess she thoughts I was wondering about how the sky was so beautiful and so filled with stars.
That night she decided to use it as a topic, my old and wise grandmother has a deep understanding of the cosmos, she said a lot that night,telling us stories of ancient myths and legends.


Well,my grandma passed on,and then I did not think much about it,it was way later that I picked interest in it(astrology and zodiac signs).I would spend hours reading books,searching the web while learning about the different signs with their traits,well rsch time I do,I do marvel,always surprised at the way the positions of the stars and planets is said to influence our lives,and even that accurate readings of the moon,sun etc can determine our personality, strength, weakness amongst others.Well,it seems sort of magical, its kind of a mysterious concept you know.

Delving more in to it I realize that it was not just about horoscopes.There seems to be some very complex systems,theories at play,the planets and thr interplay of energies anid forces.

Well,despite its(astrology & zodiac signs)complexity and depth,I couldn't help but still feel a sense of doubt,I do ask myself "is it really possible that the positions of the stars and planets could determine our fate and destiny," was it just a form of entertainment", was it just to indulge our curiosity with the mysteries of the universe".I was in between the desire to believe in the magic and wonder of astrology and also the utmost need to approach it with rational mindset.

I had always felt somewhat of an outsider,someone who did not really fit into the working if things.Astrology with its emphasis on individuality,uniqueness,personality and all seemed to speak to that my sense of difference,seeming that the stars and planets were confirming my suspicions about myself,maybe I am unique and my flaws were actually strength.

Now,there are times when astrology seemed to get it wrong,the predictions,forecasts not matching up with the reality,smiles in times like that, I do wonder if I had been føølish to put that much faith in stars and readings and interpretations and even still I still do believe that there's still some happenings,some things at play,that the universe is still involved in it.


Personally,my beliefs about astrology and zodiac signs are complex,showing my desire to believe in the magic and wonder of the universe while also that there's the need to approach with a critical or rational mindset.If I would I don't know if I will ever agree fully in these my perspective of things, but the little I know, read and heard about astrology is one full of surprises,someway it has helped me understand the world around me.

So,tonight am gazing up at the sky again, alone,trying to immerse it all in,while still wondering his big the universe is actually and its connection to the planets,suns,moon, stars.....the cosmos which seems to hold and wield certain unlocked secrets.You believe in astrology and zodiac signs?my answer " thats not the point,what matters most to me is the mystery that they hold, and the deep connections that I have/feel to/for the universe and all its wonders.

There are various entries organized by @leogrowth. This post is in collaboration with @hivenaija community and an entry to day 17 of #decemberinleo in #inleo,come check it out,so as to partake in various interesting writing prompts.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Today I decided to delve into the mysteries of the Chinese Horoscope 2025. I opened the website and started to explore. From the first lines, I was curious: what energy accompanies this year? It turns out that 2025 will be held under the sign of the Wood Snake, which promises change and deep transformation. The site turned out to be convenient, with a clear interface, and I easily found the section with the description for my sign. The prediction for the year was inspiring, but made me think about the fact that I would have to work on myself to achieve success. It was important to understand how the energy of the Snake could influence my personal and professional goals. Feeling like I was discovering a new chapter of my life filled me with confidence.