TALES OF LOVE: intertwined Of EMOTIONS!.....

in Hive Naija2 months ago


Love is the most amazing and beautiful thing that will ever happen, to humanity especially among opposite gender, how ever truly reality is sometimes not the fact, cause everyone has and share different perspective to the subject matter, like the saying what is Good to A and become bad to B, one man's food is another man's poison, hence the saying Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, same applies to love, Love is in the eyes of the beholder.

The subject matter of love is something no person can truly exhaust, its too wide, too broad, too high and too low, to understand the dynamics of love is like try to understand life in its entirety, which is

You see, Love is a story that resonates in everyones heart, its experience we all can attest to, from our very first encounter with love to experiencing first heart break tell of a unique story, lessons and stronger version of our minds.

Some are lucky to have found the stars right in thier eyes, caught the butterflies in their bellies right on time, yet there are those who have lost understanding of what the word meant

I have seen my friend find amazing love and how beautiful it had grown from the very scratch and it continues to blossom, its so beautiful when you find that one soul out of the millions in the universe to love and be i strongly feel that that is were the battle axe lies, reciprocating, responding, giving and be giving back.

We all have different experience and tales,
Most times unbalanced experiences, basically the conflict of personalities, who you love, might not reciprocate the feelings, the gifts show of love, gratitude as an appreciation might not come forth as we expect to.

But when our heart find that special soul mate, that matched synergy, common grounds to grow that genuine feelings we share for each other it's always a BLISSFUl experience, to love and be loved, to give amd recieve back, to have a common shared feelings, to grow and bond together, building shared dreams, vision goals, growth and aspiration, this is were i would say love is sweet, beautiful, void of sentiment, resentment, hatred, betrayal.

All this and many others are also the other side effects of meeting the wrong kind,

I have literally had a deep thought about this, and i've asked myself several questions about this subject of love...Why do people from talking stage are so loving and caring, special treatment and nurturing that feeling of this is the perfect person for me in all ramifications, then some few months, years all of those sweet beautiful memories and turn soars

Most times manipulation is mistaken for love, especially from a particular gender, this is my analogy of the subject matter

When it comes to the subject matter of love, to the male folks the truest form to express and show love is by giving gifts, time, attention, communication and commitment, meanwhe to the female folks the truest form of expressing love is show of gratitude, appreciation, but however we all have different love languages, what applies to one might nit apply to another, here's also another point of conflict in understanding the subject matter of love as it applies to each individual's personality instead of carefully understanding this aspect many just go on to generalised and go on to initiate what they thought is applicable to every body thus making a grave mistake and ending in heart breaks or disappointed at the end of the day ....

@Hiventhusiast thanking you for your time & attention, every upvotes, reblog, comments are very much appteciated

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Love is the greatest of all

Love is truly the most beautiful thing to happen to mankind, and one thing I wish on everyone. Because we all deserve love in some way or the other. Rooting for all the lover boys and girls out there to find their partners and experience love in all the ways that matter.✨

Really so true everybody deserves to love and be loved its one of our very basic needs as humans

 2 months ago  

Love has different languages and people respond differently to it

very true, but mostly missunderstood