If I Could...

in Hive Naija7 months ago


Hello, guys; welcome back to my blog; I trust you all had a splendid weekend. It's a new week with lots of prospects, I hope we are all ready to take full advantage of all of these prospects.

Over the weekend, on Saturday to be precise, I went somewhere, and on my way back, I noticed some group of people standing around a particular point; in my head, I was thinking it was someone sharing food, something that made people gather. Upon getting to the spot I had noticed the gathering, I saw a man lying lifeless on the floor.

From what I later got to hear, apparently, the guy had gone for an early morning jog and then slumped, and that was the end of him. It was just so sad seeing his lifeless body sprawled on the floor. I got thinking of how life can be, one moment someone is alive, bubbly, and active, and then the next you hear that he or she is dead, shocking right? This clearly shows the fickleness of life.

While going about your daily routine, you stumbled upon a machine that could take you back to relive memories, but you can't change them. Tell about one memory you would love to experience again, and why

For the record, stumbling upon a time machine is almost impossible, I didn't say it was impossible. After the event on Saturday, I've been thinking about life and all.

If I get to stumble on a time machine, one of the memories I would love to relive is that of when I was still a little girl and my mom was still here. The time when we had her as our mum, our nurse, teacher, and so many other things in flesh and blood😃


I want to relive those moments when my mum would buy lots and lots of books and toys for us to read and also play with. She never missed an opportunity to buy any children's book; she was a firm believer in educating young children not just in classrooms, but in every way possible, we had loads and loads of books, and our library was well stuck.

If this ever happens it will be a bitter-sweet experience. Sweet in the sense that we will get to see her again, we will get to see her smile and hear her laugh again in her melodious voice. The bitter part would be that even though we get to see her at the end of the day, we won't be able to save her or more like permanently bring her back because she would still have to go back and this would be like opening old wounds all over again.


So if you've got your parents alive hale and hearty with you, don't take them for granted, rather cherish and enjoy every day you get to spend with them, as a time will come when they will have to leave the face of the earth, and I promise you, if you didn't make the most of your time with them, you’ll surely regret it as time is of the essence.

So yeah this is my response to the #Hivenaija prompt for this week.

Thank you for stopping by🌹

All images are mine except otherwise stated

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


So sorry to hear about the man... I pray he rests in peace. Such is life, no one knows what happens the next second. Death is like a thief who comes unannounced.

Your response to the prompt is heartfelt. I can feel you missing your wonderful mom. ❤️

Death is like a thief who comes unannounced.

Indeed it is like a thief, that's why we should just live our lives to the fullest so there are no regret.

Your response to the prompt is heartfelt. I can feel you missing your wonderful mom.

I really do miss her, some days more than others.

I second that. Let's continue to create memories while we can :)

I can only imagine but the good thing is you have with you the happy memories you had together...

Death is like a thief that comes unannounced. So sorry about your mom

 7 months ago  

True words, Fredaa. Many of us need to celebrate and cherish people more while they're still here. If I only there was a time machine indeed, you really should get to use it.

If I only there was a time machine indeed, you really should get to use it.

Trust me I would use it if there was one

Reliving some moments in the past would be amazing to experience again because of the joy we felt then. My mom is gone but I always wish she is still alive with us.

I bet it will be really amazing to relive some memories, if only it were possible. Thanks for stopping by.

#dreemport brought me here again. You are welcome ☺️

Death is inevitable, that's why we should cherish and create memorable moments with our loved ones. We'll never know when life will happen.