Throwbacks to memory lane HN #77

in Hive Naija3 months ago

Hmm! This topic reminds me of one of my hostel mates, Nike, back in my school days. She had this Motorola flip mobile phone, and I was phoneless then because my parents could not afford it as it was still very expensive at that time in the early 2000s. Nike oppressed me to the extent that I almost lost it one day, but the good girl in me prevented me from going astray all because of a mobile phone. The sound of H E L L O M O T O will make your belly smile without having food in it🤣 Nothing lasts forever!
Where is the Motorola mobile phone today?

Infrared and Bluetooth brought so many people together back then; you had to be together before anything could be shared, not now that technology has advanced to the level of getting whatever you want in the comfort of your home. They are now a thing of the past.

Gone are the days of almighty video cassettes(VHs), the funniest part of this was how we used to rewind, we brought it out and used a spoon or our finger to rewind at the end we used the tape to make a kite😂 then we later move to VCDs and DVDs as if that was all. Netflix has taken over👌 Those times were fun.

Video CDs

The boiling ring and the small portable electric cooker were the deadliest then, but we kept on using them because we had no choice. How much was kerosene that was not easily accessible? The electric cooker will cut and we fix it ourselves without the interference of any electrician. The damage these two caused was not from here at all, but thank God, it has disappeared.

The blackBerry's World (BB) was another thing that went viral then and dominated the mobile world during its time. If you don't have a BB of any kind, you are a learner. The amazing thing about this mobile phone was the camera stunts, picmix your pictures, ping slang, and the pin. What's your pin? Let's exchange and connect 🤣 Where is BlackBerry now? From Curve to Bold to Bb porché and so on.

Don't let me forget my favorite chat app called 2go. Oh, my favorite app! This was where my husband and I started the journey of building a home together. The only app through which we communicated then was 2go. 2go was friendly and very easy to use. You don't really need a bigger phone before you can chat on 2go. Bring back our 2go👌

Stove🤣🤣🤣🤣 If you want to see how neat and clean you are, get to use a stove not now that gas cooker is everywhere. If you don't want all your room in a mess, wash the back of your pots regularly. There was a day I went to lectures and left my friend at home. Before I came back,k she had already cooked. On getting inside to see my pot, I started crying because my pot had turned black, I was hungry before, but the hunger disappeared after seeing the work on the ground for me. I hate to see pots turning black👌 Thank God, stoves are fading away in homes.

I keep this to show my kids😂

Where are the almighty payphone centers? They are now a thing of the past when mobile phones have reached everybody 🤣🤣😂 I remember those days when calling at the phone booths was #50 naira for one minute. It was not making any sense then but we had no choice as recharging airtime was not as sweet as at that time. The only thing about this time was the employment opportunity it gave. Everybody was busy making money through calls.

Let me list them out here👇

  • Motorola flip mobile (HELLO MOTO)
  • Infrared and Bluetooth
  • Video cassettes (VHS)
  • Video CDs and DVDs
  • Boiling ring
  • Electric portable coker
  • Blackberry mobile phones
  • 2go apps
  • Stove
  • Payphones or phonebooths

Let me drop my pen here because many have become a thing of the past, and also many that we don't wish to come back again.

 Thanks for stopping by💕

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This stove err, my mom had one and the way it helped me.😂 only God knows how that stove saved my life.

The good old days indeed

Gas cooker generation can never feel the review of using stove🤣🤣

I tell you.😂

How time flies

They are really flying so fast