In And Out Of The Social Life

in Hive Naijalast year

If I’m asked, “What’s that’s one trait you know you possess that you find so easy to you?” I would reply, “Being social and able to communicate with people of different calibres freely.”

Growing up as a kid, I never got the experience to mingle very much with kids my age except when I’m back to school. After we moved from our rented apartment into our home, The people I met and spoke mostly with are people who are way older than me. I was just seven years old, while the people that are mostly around are friends of my dad or mom and neighbours whose kids are older than me.

I learned to communicate maturely with people and talk with respect, which most people lack these days. I believe it was these events that made my social life more interesting. After I started meeting people my age while growing, I was already able to communicate maturely with them. I gave advice to friends, and people always seemed to want me around.

How was I able to keep up being social?

If you’re a funny person with a good sense of humour, being social would be a big issue for you. I remember when I was the class representative; we were 600+ students, and everyone had my number. Most of the time, I have to receive calls and answer questions that even a five-year-old boy would answer. During this time, I learned to be patient.

even while working, they still wanted to take a picture with their Rep. It was fun tho.

What I do is, I always keep my phone on aeroplane mode when it’s 11 p.m., because if I don’t, I won’t be getting sleep that night, and when it’s 5 a.m., I will talk it off. When I wake up, I try to call the important people in my life because I know that when I get out there, I won’t have time to call or chat. I’ll be the one receiving the calls.

After school, it was different. You know, we are getting older, and we can’t continue with the way we did things before. Every Saturday, I get to hang out with my friends, and Sunday, we go gaming. Playing games from different locations has been made possible, so long as you have the internet.

Keeping up with friends that are far away is mostly done on social media. Since I’m always busy during the day with people I can see in real time, I check my social media account frequently to see if there are any important messages coming from family or friends that need an urgent response.

The truth is that if there is a hangout and I am invited, I don’t mind dropping my phone for a while to have some real-time fun. The people we have around us will never be with us forever, so why not make some good memories with them before they depart?

Once I’m back on social media, I always make sure to reply to all my messages, no matter how long they are, but before I do so, I’ll turn off my mobile data or mifi so that, as I’m replying to my friends, I won’t be getting any messages from them. I would make sure I replied to everyone first before connecting back to the internet. Everyone will be getting their message at the same time. Isn’t that great?

Another way I manage my social life is by not allowing what I’m going through at the moment to get noticed by others. I always put on a smiling face. If I need to share the challenges I’m facing with my friends, for sure I will, but I would never pass aggression on to any of them when I’m having a bad day. That’s a very wrong thing to do, and that wouldn’t help you build a good social life.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The people we have around us will never be with us forever, so why not make some good memories with them before they depart?

I agree with you on this, I always do this because life is too short to not enjoy the company of People.

I barely reply messages, my social life is that bad😅.

I guess you’re part of the people that prefer call to texting right

100% but I barely call too 😅

What should I tag you now

😂😂😂oh no

Yes, I love the part where you said the people we have around us will never be with us forever, because we don't know where destiny will take us to and what will happen in nearest future. So that's why if am available I do chat, play, e.t.c with people around me including my family and friends.

It’s why we are alive
It’s why we are human
We are social creatures so we must interact when we have the time

 last year  


I could be both social and non social at once

I enjoyed your piece

I can relate well. When it’s time to be serious and there is a business on the table

Sorry, I put of my social mode and serious mode is active 😂

Thanks for reading it