Love Shouldn't Hurt: Recognizing Toxic Relationships

in Hive Naija3 days ago

Toxic relationships can take many forms, it affect emotional, mental health, and physical well-being. This can happen between friends, partners, parents even at work workplace, most people are undergoing toxic relationships and keep silent because of the kind of people they are dealing with. One of the toxic relationships I would love to talk about is between two partners who are involved in romantic relationships, most people think beating is what makes a relationship toxic but there are many ways we can be in a toxic relationship with our partners and I would love to highlight some of them


Firstly if you have a partner who doesn't make your opinion count, who is selfish and doesn't give you a chance to showcase your talent then you are in big trouble, this habit is mostly common among men, some men are so insecurity, they do not want their partner to express themselves, doesn't take advice from them or literally doesn't care about what comes out of their mouth, I categorize this as a toxic relationship.

Another point is feeling less of yourself in a relationship, Toxic relationships often involve a power imbalance, where one person feels superior and seeks to dominate or control the other. If you're in a relationship where you feel like you're always downplayed, criticized, or made to feel small, it's time to reevaluate. There is nothing bad as this point, how can I be in a relationship with a Goliath, a man who will always make me feel less of myself, always feeling more important over me, and will always bring me down at any slight opportunity he has, this is a typical example of a toxic relationship. Feeling less than or belittled by your partner can have devastating effects on your self-esteem and mental health. You deserve to be with someone who uplifts and supports you, not crushes your spirit

Another point is insecurity, some partners don't want you to associate with your friends and family when you are in a relationship with them, they tend to create gaps between you and your family and this always gives them an edge over you, to control and molest you at any time because they believe you do not have anywhere to run, no one to talk to or safe you from them, this is another example of toxic relationship.


We always think that only beating is an example of a toxic relationship, though beating is part of it but we always overlook most of these signs when we see them, some partners will be beating once or twice and they will stay in such a relationship, what is the assurance that such partner will not beat you to death if you eventually get married to such partner, beating is the height of it, I heard that some men are undergoing such treatment as well been beaten by their partners and always overlook such behavior.

Another type of toxic relationship is Gaslighting, what I mean by this point is a manipulator, most women belong to this category, though I know some men who manipulate as well, twisting words to favor them and making people see their partner as a bad person, this is very wrong in any relationship and it is a typical example of a toxic relationship, I can never go into a relationship with anyone who is a manipulator.

Abuse is another type of toxic relationship when you are being abused in any relationship then that relationship isn't worth it, some partners don't go physical but they love to call their partners names, irritating names and also love to keep malice for days which makes them not to care about their partner, also criticism is another way in which you can be in a toxic relationship, your partner always nag and never find time for happiness, this can make someone to undergo mental instability and it is better to leave such relationship than to manage it.

My advice to anyone who is in a toxic relationship

We only live once, so always prioritize your happiness over relationships, if you are in any of the above-mentioned categories then you need to seek help or rather walk away from the relationship, most of these people aren't ready to change because they are feeling like God when they are utilizing the power of victimization. Let your happiness come first.

This is my response to day 24 #octoberinleo of the Inleo daily prompt, if you wish to join the prompt then click on this link


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Compared to physical aspects of toxicity, we have the psychological and emotional that I feel is way more dangerous and unhealthy.

I know a man who cut off every relationship the wife had with her friends and family and then started retreating her like a slave knowing that she has no one to run to
This is really toxic and can kill someone emotional state
Heaven knows that I can't stay one month in such relationship because this life has no spare

 3 days ago  

Voted by Hive Naija.gif

Happiness comes first however not to the detriment of another...