in Hive Naija2 days ago
When I was young, it was the case that I wished to be like my father, I simply wished to be a business man. At that tender age, I innocently wanted to be like the man who provided everything for me. In my quest to archived that, I swore to do what he does for a living since all the money came from there. Come to think of it now, I cannot place my fingers on when and how that desire of mine died off. It was probably a mere childish desire.


As mild and tender children, the tendency to desire things that may never be attained is always there, but depriving children of these tender desires might end up altering their development in one way or the other. I am simply of the opinion that a child should be given the opportunity to form his or her career part. There was never a time when my parent imposed any profession on us (I and my siblings) and I dislike it when parents do. If parent must get involved in the carrier part of any of their child, I am simply of the opinion that it be a mild suggestion. Parent forcing their children into becoming what they do not desire is a no for me.

There are few things in one's life that should be strictly personal and career choice is for me one of them. Though one can utilise the opportunity of getting advise from different individual including parents and experts, but it should not be the case that one allows another directly decide what he or she becomes. It should be all about passion and interest, but that would most likely be laking if it be the case that there is lack of conviction in a career that had been chosen. That notwithstanding, it is absolutely normal to be influenced by another while choosing a career.


It is absolutely normal for parents to influence the career of children. As a matter of fact, two of my siblings have chosen a career that is directly related to that of my father. That notwithstanding, I am of the opinion that children must come to decision themselves.

I only wished to be a business man like my father, a wish that latter died a natural death. On the hand, there are those who's dream to be like their parent may never died. Being around his or her parent for years, it is only natural for a child to develop love for what they do, but that must never be mistaken for imposing careers on children.


My position on the matter remains clear and straight to the point, I do not agree with parents deciding the careers of their children. Children should be allowed to navigate their personal lives themeselves. No matter how stupid their dreams might sound, let them dream. That not withstanding, it is not out of place for parents to suggest good careers for children if need be for that, but it must be on the level of suggestion or gadiance. I am @ernesto6402 and this my humble opinion. One Love✌️


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I can't agree less with you on this subject matter, seeking advice/ guidance is not wrong but then children should be allowed to make the decision their selves.

Absolutely @ene22. I am happy that you completely agree with my position