TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS: To What Extend +Mental Effects

in Hive Naija3 days ago


During the fall of 2014 there was this couple, not like they were married, just dating, they lived opposite were my mom grocery shop was located in a street, almost like every day or twice or more in a week these couple were always involved in a fight, sometime when i came to open our shop i will hear the screaming so loud cursing and usually followed by sounds of slapping beating falling things here and there, then quarreling for hours, one time it happened like that and the lady had to ran out to our shop and hide, pleading with us not to let her boyfriend know were she was.

Everyone had pleaded with her to leave this guy and go find a reputable life of her own but she won't listen, she kept saying she loves him so much, she can't leave him, here it was obvious that there was no love, it was obvious the guy wanted breakup but she was adamant and never wanted to leave the relationship, i later realise he was the first, so it was really hard for her to let go, and truthfully speaking this is most cases in Africa, gender inequality is still a big mirage, The big guys feeling so superior and God-like, however more and more enlightenment are coming up by the day to ravage this.


I will always stand against toxic relationship, reason being that most young couple do not really grab the essence of courtship, being in a realtionship, to love, to care, to give attention, its not possible to say you love someone and then raise a hand to beat that person, i have never seen any body who hates himself so much that could grab a cane and start to flog himself.

I have seen a lot of people suffer from toxic relationships, and i keep womderIng if this is their definition of love or maybe i'm missing out on something, one time we were having this discussion in the office about such things, three out of four of my female colleagues says they prefer a man that will shout at them, beat them or rough handles them to a man who is just loving and caring and all that stuffs, all of those lovy dovy stuffs do not spice up thier relationship, alright i learnt from there, however when things get out of hand there is no love and its time to find a way out.


I was watching a movie were a husband was abusing his wife and maltreating her, till she got tired and decided to stand her ground and resist all form of maltreatment from her husband thats when thi gs went back to normal, i know we feel women are not strong enough, cause of their soft-like nature, meanwhile on the other hand women are actually stronger, while a man can boost of physical strength, a woman can boost of both physical, emotional, psychological and mental strength however we allow societal definition clouds our sense of judgement.

The best possible solution to a toxic relationship is to pull out, some really use to think that later on things might change, what if it doesnt, he will change, she will change has locked so many up in chains that they cannot be freed from , i'm married, i cannot divorce him or her what will people say, so they choose to suffer in silent instead than speak up.

I always encourage people experiencing this to speak up, talk to someone very close to you, two years ago a female artist very prominent was beatened to death by her hurband, and i know a lot of other marriages are going these toxic relationships but refuse to Speak up, the side effect of these can even include death, mental draining and fatigue,


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