in Hive Naija2 months ago (edited)

Yesterday I was a little bit free yesterday because we had a quick notice that that lecture was cancelled and we might only be having online class because they will be an induction ceremony preparation in college. So everyone at the stay at home or go do what please them and just decided to stay at home, rest and also go through my phone app and twitter blessed me with a very interesting topic I titled IS LIFE UNFAIR and my reason for wanting to talk about this is because I read some tweets and comments of Nigerian that graduate with High working grade and we're unable to get job while some individual with little grade were able to get job because they had better opportunity to connection , and aside job standard I realized that many people had reason why life as been unfair to them based on how things had turned to be, either good, better, bad or worst for them. Yeah I understand many of us might be going through a lot and facing serious challenges that could make one loss determination or focus on accomplishing our main Goals and objectives but only way and strategy to change that thought Is by having a strong believe in yourself.

Yeah... I have been in that position of feeling and thinking life has turned it back on me and I want to believe that the same way most of us are feeling about life not granting us our heart desires but we forget that we came to this world separately and how achievement will also happened separately or it actually might be that our time of achieving that goal is not yet already or we still need to work on ourselves.

Yes of course when are prompt to fail( haven't you heard about the scientists that fail 99times to achieve just once), and yes we fall and fall after and afterwards we will always get back up to continue the journey of life and utilize what it has for us, never ever have a feeling that just because you failed a particular time, you will make you fail the second time and you give up....erase that feeling because it's like destroy the foundation from the very beginning, but let start having a strong mind determine and believe that it can and will always get better tomorrow. That is might likely assured.

After reading the comments and all... It just came to my mind to put some of thought and ideas that that could help out. So I will be giving you all some tip that I think will help us remember there is always hope now when we live on earth.

Yes, encouraging yourself in good and bad time wIll not only make you have your mind focused on achieving any difficulties or challenges you face for now on but will also aid your path in achieving them, many people have downfall because they fail to uplift and encourage themselves we they fail and they aids refusal to try again anytime they fail. Like I said, we will have to fail sometimes to get back up to achieve some certain goals. I tell myself everything I am finding it difficult to achieve anything that.... "Cornelius you can do it, just calm down and find a way" and it works for me most time. All I just needed to do was to give myself a word of encouragement and I urge you to do the same to. It will eventually pay out trust me.

Limit your distraction and set your bounce and schedules.
We have to start making plan for what we want in our life and thing we want to achieve because without knowing this, we will have problem when to come achieving how to accomplish aims and goals, one of the reasons social media was made is to help us have guidelines and tips to have knowledge and understand on what we need to know and it's also to give an individual serious distraction that make one losses focus... So you know what you want, set your boundaries and you are good to go.

Believe is not real until you make it a reality then it becomes real. There are many plan I made in the pass that had not come to my reality now but I still have believe that they will come to my reality sooner or later. It was once my dream to be in the school of medicine but now its not more a dream, it's now a reality and before this moment I had tried a lot to make it happen but there are always different obstacle every time I try and I never stopped believing in my dream because I know it would actually come to past even though it wasn't time yet then. So what I am only trying to make emphasis on is that having strong believe in yourself over a particular desire will actually come to past and it might take alot of time and it might come early but always have that believe that it wou will and will alway come to past if you believe.

Yes we all have regrets but Never regret any decisions you had made that failed you because you already or most likely had an advantage of failing and repeating that same mistake again and it's also a ladder that pull you up, so accept your fate and try again because there is always hope, let be determined and mind focused at anytime and day, always encourage yourself in good and bad times of life because they will actually guide you in life.

Well here are the little advice and tip I was able to cook up for you all today, don't hesitate to drop your comment.
Hope you enjoy the post 🤲
Inspired by Corneliushym🔥

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Look at our motivational speaker!

Omoor, generally life is not fair. and sooner we realise that, the better for us. At the same time, it is left to no one else to shape our life. One thing I will always say, Life will never give you what you want, but what you deserve. If you desire anything crazily enough and more than the way others do, and willingly to go as far for it, the you will get it. That is how I see life operates.

Honestly, You’ve spoken some deep truths there bro... And yes,recognizing that reality is the first step toward taking control of our own destiny. Your perspective is powerful and touching brother... life doesn’t hand out rewards randomly, it responds to effort, perseverance, and the intensity of our desires.
Thank you for this comment