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RE: Rome was not built in a single day. The best of Hive is to come [English version | Versión en inglés]

in Palnet • 5 years ago

Thank you! 😄

I think your proposal is excellent, and yes, it should have a strong impact on current users and as I said I think it could also be very attractive for those who are not here yet.
As they note that migrating here is really a friendly and powerful step.
But that is not going to happen strongly until we (active users) make the improvements that need to be done.


Unfortunately, I think that this "improvements that needs to be done" before they migrate is multiple --

There may be code improvements and whatnot, but there are also ways that we use the platform ourselves, that can give new users a reason to be here -- so we need to really embrace those, and integrate them, and that can accompany the people who are writing the code, and such.

Group effort.