I know it doesn't take God forever to do what is everlasting, all it takes is a yielded man. but hey ,the process where men yield is what takes time, because it takes God time to raise a genuine man.
It took Jesus the Messiah thirty years to prepare for a three years ministry, and in three years he was able to fulfill his destiny here on earth. But one of the secrets to his fulfilled ministry is captured in Luke 2:52 Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, Kai!! It takes time to build stature.
Even John that was the forerunner of the Messiah ,it took time for his voice to be polished and be heard Luke 1:80 tells us that the child grew and waxed strong in spirit and was in the desert until the time of his showing, first, he didn't just grow old, He grew up mentally and otherwise secondly, he built capacity, it's quite unfortunate that most people have bypassed this process to destiny, you'll miss God if you leave your desert unduly, never go ahead of God, you'll be stranded, he is more interested in your process than your results, it takes God time to build a genuine man ..