Purgando el dolor/ resignificando Esp/Eng

Hola comunidad. Hoy quiero compartir algo de reflexión. Botar un poco lo que llevo dentro.

"Una ola de sentimientos"

Compartir la intimidad de tu sentir no siempre es tan facil. Me agrada mucho no conocer a nadie en este lugar. De alguna manera, eso ayuda a disipar la vergüenza y poder expresarme con confianza.

Segundo dia postoperatorio después de una Rinoseptoplastia.
Operación dolorosa, sobre la que tuve que reflexionar mucho tiempo.
Llegó sola a mi vida, yo no la busque. Un chequeo medico arrojo que tenía una fractura nasal (de larga data). Cuando escucho eso por primera vez, sólo se me viene a la mente un doloroso recuerdo del jardin de niños "Yo jugaba a la orilla de una puerta y un compañero de aspecto muy fuerte, me boto y cai de cara. Puedo recordar el dolor, la hinchazón y el sabor a sangre en mi boca" No recuerdo haber recibido atención médica.. Mis padres creyeron que sólo fue un golpe y todo quedo asi tal cuál...

Aun puedo recordar la cara del niño que me daño, le tuve miedo mucho tiempo después de eso...

Los doctores me sugieren corregir lo que esta mal en mi nariz, porque de eso depende "una correcta respiración"( situación en muy mal estado, de la que YO no era consciente)
Que loco y que precisó como las cosas llegan a tu vida.
Tuve un año para pensarlo y me decidí, lo hice y justo ahora lo estoy transitando.

*El cuerpo purga de manera inexplicable lo que esta mal, lo que duele... *
Desde ayer que no paró de tener recuerdos de la gente que me hostigaba y humillaba en el colegio por tener una nariz distinta, una nariz FEA.
Me pregunto ¿Porque los estoy recordando? Llevo años sin pensar en dichas situaciones.
Las inseguridades que te provoca una sociedad enferma, pueden estar ahi toda la vida y a veces ni siquiera te das cuenta
Vaya!! si lo pienso AHORA "Dios como trate de encajar socialmente" cuántos errores me acompañan desde la adolescencia y ahora entiendo que esto mucho tenia que ver... A veces incluso, haciendo cosas contra mi voluntad, mi foco era "no estar sola" (que triste)

Nunca antes hice la relación con este origen. Hoy entiendo que mucho de lo que SOY y por lo que me destaco, tenían relación con "querer distraer del ojo social mi apariencia física"...

Ya no quiero hacer sentir bien a nadie más que a mi misma "Quiero ser lo primero" Me pido perdón por creer que era POCO y haberme rodeado de gente BASURA, sólo por miedo a estar sola.

Hoy entiendo tanto de mí...

Mi autoconcepto es otro...

Removí el velo...

Agradezco profundamente la bajada de mis guias espirituales a pabellón.


Hello community. Today I want to share some reflection. Letting out a little of what's inside of me.

"A wave of feelings"

Sharing the intimacy of your feelings is not always so easy. I really like not knowing anyone in this place. Somehow, that helps to dispel the embarrassment and be able to express myself with confidence.

Second postoperative day after a Rhinoseptoplasty.
Painful operation, which I had to think about for a long time.
It came into my life by itself, I did not look for it. A medical checkup showed that I had a nasal fracture (of long standing). When I hear that for the first time, only a painful memory from kindergarten comes to mind "I was playing on the edge of a doorway and a very strong looking fellow player knocked me over and I fell on my face. I can remember the pain, the swelling and the taste of blood in my mouth " I don't remember receiving any medical attention. My parents thought it was just a bump and everything stayed that way....

I can still remember the face of the boy who hurt me, I was afraid of him for a long time after that....

The doctors suggest me to correct what is wrong with my nose, because on that depends "correct breathing " (a very bad situation, of which I was not aware).
How crazy and precise how things come into your life.
I had a year to think about it and I decided, I did it and right now I am going through it.

*The body purges in an inexplicable way what is wrong, what hurts? *
Since yesterday I have not stopped having memories of the people who harassed and humiliated me at school for having a different nose, an ugly nose.
I wonder why I am remembering them? I have not thought about such situations for years.
The insecurities that a sick society causes you, can be there all your life and sometimes you don't even realize it.
Wow!! if I think about it NOW "God how I tried to fit in socially" how many mistakes have been with me since I was a teenager and now I understand that this had a lot to do with it? Sometimes even, doing things against my will, my focus was "not to be alone " (how sad).

I never made the relationship with this origin before. Today I understand that much of what I AM and what I stand out for, had to do with "wanting to distract the social eye from my physical appearance"...

I no longer want to make anyone feel good but myself "I want to be first" I apologize for believing I was LITTLE and having surrounded myself with trashy people, just for fear of being alone.

Today I understand so much about myself....

My self-concept is different...

I removed the veil...

I am deeply grateful for the descent of my spiritual guides to the pavilion.


hi Mary, I read your intro post on Hey Have ya Met community and then jumped to your latest post as your intro intrigued me.

I hope you heal well from your op. It must be quite uncomfortable! It looks rather bruised and painful but I hope that your breathing improves as a result. I inherited my dad's nose and to top it off I was born with a hare lip and cleft palate so had surgery as a baby to correct things but they didn't do as great a job as they could have! It has left me with a nose that from my profile looks a bit like it has been broken at some stage in my life, and I was teased as a kid as a result. It never concerned me before the teasing, but thereafter it became something of an issue for me. I still get self-conscious from time to time. But I am growing to ignore it !LOLZ

I wanted to drop in and let you know about a fun challenge that we have running in July in Dreemport, a pay-it-forward curation platform to which I belong. It's a great little community that supports blogger's journeys by providing a means for new bloggers to get more eyes on their content, learn about the different communities on Hive (as we collaborate with a different one each month), and have the support of a community network of supportive people in the process. We are taking part in the challenge contest in teams. My friend @strega.azure and I have formed a team to support new Hivers through the month of July and we would love it if you were to join us.

If you drop me a reply, I can give you the details. !LUV !ALIVE

Como estás @samsmith1971? Agradezco me compartas tú experiencia y buenos deseos🙏. Ahí vamos poco a poco transitando los cambios. Agradecida de las reflexiones que me deja.
Me interesa tu propuesta, estoy aprendiendo de estas plataformas, por lo cual necesitaría bastante orientación.

Agradecida 🙌💗

hi Mary, happy to provide guidance and support - we are here to help and have fun in the process. Please follow this link to Dreemport.com and register using an email address. Then go and read this post by the lovely @dreemsteem - Runners take your mark! The Newbie marathon Begins and let me know when you have done that. Hopefully, we have our team members' names by later this eve and I will pass on to you guys so you have them for your post tomorrow... there are only going to be 4-6 of us in our team I think :-) We have a couple of posts to write each week and share in Dreemport, but it will give all new Hivers the opportunity to earn some nice prizes during July... and you will get to have fun and get to know others in the community too !LUV

Hola Mary, encantados de orientarte y apoyarte - estamos aquí para ayudar y divertirnos en el proceso. Sigue este enlace a Dreemport.com y regístrate con una dirección de correo electrónico. Luego ve y lee este post de la encantadora @dreemsteem - Runners take your mark! The Newbie marathon Begins y avísame cuando lo hayas hecho. Con suerte, tendremos los nombres de los miembros de nuestro equipo esta víspera y os los pasaré para que los tengáis para vuestro post de mañana... creo que sólo seremos 4-6 en nuestro equipo :-) Tenemos que escribir un par de posts cada semana y compartirlos en Dreemport, pero dará a todos los nuevos Hivers la oportunidad de ganar algunos buenos premios durante el mes de julio... y además os divertiréis y conoceréis a otros miembros de la comunidad.

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@veganuss.family, @samsmith1971(4/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

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@veganuss.family! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

I used to work in a blanket factory.
But it folded.

Credit: reddit
@veganuss.family, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971


La juventud, la terquedad y la presión social muchas veces nos llevan hacer o no hacer cosas que con el tiempo vemos que no fueron para nada de beneficio, lo bueno es que ya despertaste estas a tiempo de cambio muchas cosas, de corregir, de ser una nueva tú, besos para ti.

Gracias por leerme @actioncats. En realidad mi presente es muy distinto y poco banal (superficial). Este proceso desenterro sentimientos ocultos que yo no sabía "aún existían" que no relacione antes. Hoy las cosas se configuran entregando aprendizajes y ordenando causalidades, lo cual por encima de todo, me reconforta "gratamente".

Gracias por tus palabras corazón. Besos también 🙌💗

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