Cuando decidí comenzar desde cero, me propuse una vez más cumplir cada una de mis metas y más grandes deseos de superación personal, puede que en la actualidad esté fluyendo los anhelos de mi corazón, pero a qué costo? , no seré la primera madre soltera que sale adelante y que trabaja, estudia y atiende a su bebé al mismo tiempo, aún así, sin quejarme sólo vivir en gratitud de identificar mi propósito, el cuerpo dió señales por primera vez de que algo no andaba bien.
Comenzando mi semana, una compañera de trabajo me hizo un comentario a la hora de almuerzo de que notaba algo extraño en mi, le dije que era solo cefalea, nada de que preocuparse. Pero por dentro ya sentía un agotamiento demasiado atrasado y estrés de querer cumplir con absolutamente todo, sin importar cada trasnocho. Siendo sincera no le di la importancia que merecía, al finalizar mi jornada laboral salí a la universidad y al pasar las horas me fui sintiendo más débil. Sudaba y mi temperatura corporal también comenzó a avisar, me puse helada pero yo seguía participando como si nada en clases, cumpliendo y pensando por supuesto en llegar a casa para atender a mi pequeño.
Fue entonces ya de regreso a la casa que viví mi primera experiencia al pensar y sentir que me iba a desmayar por la calle, muchas cosas pasaron por mi mente, veía mi cuerpo completamente en sudor y con muchísimo frío que no entendía lo que me estaba pasando, mis ojos se cerraban, me dió náuseas, no tenía ningún conocido cerca. Afortunadamente a pocas cuadras de donde vivo queda un centro médico y lograron atenderme justo en la entrada, digo que llegue a tiempo porque ya mi cuerpo no daba para más. Se me había bajado la tensión y me vieron con ansiedad, que tenía que descansar ya que a pesar de todo y de esforzarme y ser valiente, la salud mental como la física son igual de importantes y van de la mano.
Depende de nosotros mismos que no se vaya opacando nuestra propia luz, depende de la actitud y algo maravilloso que aunque fué tarde, logré descubrir. El amor propio!. ❤️✨ , hago @catarsis sin sentir tristeza, sólo tengo emociones positivas, pero quise desahogarme y compartir mi experiencia con ustedes como parte de una reflexión personal. Escuchen su cuerpo, está bien tomar un descanso, está bien pedir ayuda, está bien tener presente que somos seres humanos y que habrán dias que no se pueda con todo. Está bien salir adelante, pero sobretodo estaría excelente tomar conciencia de nuestro estado tanto emocional y físico. La vida es un regalo 🎁 y hay que cuidar de ella. Con cariño, @proymet.
Gracias por tu visita, nos leemos en los comentarios. ❤️
Nota: Contenido original, diseños hecho en Canva, Ávatar creado en la App Bitmoji. Tlf Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
When I decided to start from scratch, I set out once again to fulfill each of my goals and greatest desires for personal improvement. The desires of my heart may currently be flowing, but at what cost? I won't be the first single mother to get ahead and work, study and take care of her baby at the same time. Still, without complaining, just living in gratitude for identifying my purpose, my body gave signs for the first time that something was wrong. good.
Starting my week, a co-worker made a comment to me at lunch that she noticed something strange about me, I just told her it was just a headache, nothing to worry about. But inside I already felt an exhaustion that was too late and the stress of wanting to accomplish absolutely everything, regardless of every late night. To be honest, I didn't give it the importance it deserved. At the end of my work day I went to the university and as the hours passed I felt weaker. I was sweating and my body temperature also began to warn, I became cold but I continued participating as if nothing had happened in classes, complying and thinking of course about getting home to take care of my little one.
It was then, back home, that I had my first experience of thinking and feeling that I was going to faint on the street. Many things went through my mind. I saw my body completely covered in sweat and so cold that I didn't understand what was happening to me. Passing by, my eyes closed, I felt nauseous, I didn't have anyone I knew nearby. Fortunately, a few blocks from where I live there is a medical center and they managed to treat me right at the entrance. I say I arrived on time because my body couldn't handle it anymore. My tension had gone down and they saw me with anxiety, that I had to rest because despite everything and trying hard and being brave, mental and physical health are equally important and go hand in hand.
It depends on ourselves that our own light is not dimmed, it depends on the attitude and something wonderful that although it was late, I managed to discover. Self love!. ❤️✨, I do @catarsis without feeling sadness, I only have positive emotions, but I wanted to vent and share my experience with you as part of a personal reflection. Listen to your body, it's okay to take a break, it's okay to ask for help, it's okay to keep in mind that we are human beings and that there will be days when we can't do everything. It is good to move forward, but above all it would be excellent to become aware of our emotional and physical state. Life is a gift 🎁 and you have to take care of it. With love, @proymet.
Thank you for your visit, we see you in the comments. ❤️
Note: Original content, designs made in Canva, Avatar created in the Bitmoji App. Phone Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
I am at a point in my life where if I look back a little, I would immediately realize every step I have taken, and that I have to feel proud because I bravely set limits, I distanced myself from everything that did not add to my life, on the contrary! , more and more it destroyed my soul, just at that stage I remember having created my username in @hive which allowed me not to feel so alone, along the way I have met people with great sensitivity and empathy in their comments. I begin to write my lines capturing this little episode because it has a lot to do with my first scare in terms of health.
Así, es tenemos que escuchar nuestro cuerpo y priorizarnos, a veces queremos cubrir con todo y es mejor una cosa a la vez.
Siempre es importante saber pedir ayuda un familiar o un amigo muy cercano y como dices la salud mental va de la mano con la fisica, escuchar a nuestro cuerpo y cuidar de nuestros pensamientos