¿Y se puede adelantar un sentimiento?

Como muestra de su salud mental y en medio de una crisis política y económica, Maduro ordenó cambiar el calendario de las festividades decembrinas, como si la navidad simplemente fuera una fecha, una temporada y no un sentimiento muy especial que en este momento, brilla por su ausencia en Venezuela.

No hay duda de que nos quieren inocular un estado de felicidad que no tenemos, que sintamos que estamos bien, que aquí todo marcha sobre ruedas, que aquí no ha pasado nada. La navidad adelantada es simplemente un distractor: como cuando las madres le dicen a los hijos, que lloran hambre, que se duerman o les dan una chupeta para que no lloren. No caigamos en el juego, que si este gobierno cae, ya tendremos tiempo de celebrar, lo que solo nuestros antepasados han celebrado: la llegada de la democracia y la libertad.

Las imágenes son de mi galería personal y el texto fue traducido con Deepl

[Versión en inglés]
And can you advance a feeling?
Today I went downtown to buy some food (a topic I will talk about later) and I was surprised because many commercial establishments complied with Nicolás Maduro's decree to bring Christmas forward to October 1st. Amidst colored lights and Christmas decorations, people, looking bored, tired and even sad, were going in and out of the stores.
As a sign of his mental health and in the midst of a political and economic crisis, Maduro ordered to change the calendar of Christmas festivities, as if Christmas were simply a date, a season and not a very special feeling that at this moment is conspicuous by its absence in Venezuela.
While it is true that in these 25 years of government, they have changed the flag, the coat of arms, the national dates, the names of avenues, the currency, the history, even the time was changed overnight. Many things have been erased from our memory, but the Christmas holidays are influenced by other elements. For example, Christmas is celebrated worldwide on specific dates and the other thing is the economic expense that occurs during this season and if there is no money in people's pockets, they can bring forward Christmas in 2040, but it will be a sad Christmas. Today, on the supermarket shelves, there was nougat, lights, olives and capers, and people only bought rice, pasta, sugar, coffee, vegetables....
I don't know if you remember, but I remember that at one time the Ministry of Happiness was established and happiness was decreed throughout the country. The objective of this ministry was that Venezuelans should be the happiest people in the world and they even promoted surveys and studies where it was concluded that Venezuelans were the happiest people in the world. Well, from the same creators of that happiness, come the early Christmas. But these decrees, which seem surreal, are not random. No. They are maneuvers that seek to distract Venezuelans. Immerse them in a maelstrom so that they forget what is really important for the country: what happened on July 28 of this year and what must happen on January 10 of next year.
It is known that if there are things that characterize Venezuelan Christmas, it is consumerism, pachanga, painting the house, decorating it, buying gifts, hallacas, activities that make us enter into an unstoppable whirlpool; but also, and this is forgotten by the government, Christmas for Venezuelans means union, meeting, hope, and at this moment there are many Venezuelan families that cannot be united: either because their children, siblings, are out of the country, or because their children, siblings and parents are imprisoned.There is no doubt that they want to inoculate us with a state of happiness that we do not have, to make us feel that we are fine, that everything is going smoothly here, that nothing has happened here. The early Christmas is simply a distractor: like when mothers tell their children, who are crying hungry, to go to sleep or give them a pacifier so that they don't cry. Let's not fall into the game, if this government falls, we will have time to celebrate what only our ancestors have celebrated: the arrival of democracy and freedom.
Excelente artículo, con una reflexión y opinión muy acertadas. En algún momento, que esperamos no tarde más, saldremos de este mal que nos cayó encima como la sombra de Berruecos. Un abrazo, @nancybriti1.
Así creo, @josemalavem. Dios permita que en la medida que adelanten la navidad, también adelanten los últimos días de su gobierno. Abrazos para ti.
Buenas noches. Excelente reflexión. Como dices, el adelanto de la Navidad es para distraernos, para que nos olvidemos de lo sucedido el 28 de julio y lo que debería ocurrir el 10 de enero de 2025.
Así mismo es, amiga. Pura distracción, juguete para muchachito de cuna. Gracias por tu comentario.
Que difícil situación vive Venezuela, todo lo que has expuesto aqui es real, sobre todo, que Navidad es unión, es familia y hoy muchas familias están separadas y llenas de desilucion por todos los eventos ocurridos en las ultimas semanas y esa angustia de no saber que va a pasar.
No sé ni que decirte :(
Mi querida @marpa, te acuerdas lo que hablábamos de lo arbitrario que era este gobierno, pues ahora es peor. Tú que tienes a tus padres cerca, tu hermano, tus mascotas, sabes el significado de unión y familia, pues el gobierno de Venezuela ha buscado la forma de romper ese lazo, porque sabe que rompiendo eso, rompen una parte fundamental de nuestro ser: el sentido de pertenencia, el orgullo de ser. Te abrazo fuerte y encantada por tu comentario.
Me suscribo a tus palabras... No hay manera de que esta navidad, sepa a Navidad. Saludos.
Exactamente!! Porque no se puede, por decreto, ordenar celebrar cuando en mente tenemos otros pensamientos. Saludos