[EN/ES]Warning they are hacking all types of accounts || Advertencia estan hackeando todo tipo de cuentas

in Catarsis3 years ago

Hello friends, I want to tell you about one of the ugliest experiences I have ever had.

Hola amigos quiero contarles una de las mas feas experiencias que he vivido


On Thursday, October 22, my instagram account was hacked, let me tell you how everything happened. I woke up early around 7 am and was very calm checking my social network, seeing the stories, the publications, participating in multiple raffles, what I usually do when suddenly the app closes and I did not understand so I went back in and that's where all the torture began

El dia jueves 22 de octubre me hackearon la cuenta de mi instagram, dejenme contarles como sucedio todo. Yo me desperte temprano como a la 7 am y estaba muy tranquila revisando mi red social viendo las historias, las publicaciones, participando en multiples sorteos lo que hago habitualmente cuando de repente la app se me cierra y yo no entendia asi que me volvi a meter y ahi fue donde empezo todo el suplicio


After I get into the app it asks for my password so I put it in and it got the wrong password, well I sure forgot so I proceed to change it, when it changes I try to enter but the person who hacked me put the 2-step verification , if you do not know that it is an update that instagram put to "make your account more secure" (but in my case it was not like that), when this verification is activated you get a code to your phone and if you put it it lets you access if not you place it you can not do anything

Despues que me meto en la app me pide mi contraseña asi que la coloco y me salio contraseña incorrecta, yo bueno seguro se me olvido asi que procedo a cambiarla, cuando se cambia intento ingresar pero la persona que me hackeo coloco la verificacion de 2 pasos, si no saben que es una actualizacion que coloco instagram para "hacer tu cuenta mas segura" (pero en mi caso no fue asi), cuando esta verificacion esta activada te llega un codigo a tu telefono y si lo colocas te deja acceder si no lo colocas no puedes hacer nada


When I realized that they had activated it, he ran to my gmail where it informed me that they had changed the email account and the affiliated phone number, and that from my mother's account I wrote to them and asked them please and politely to return me my account, which they told me that they would give it to me if I paid them $ 50 (they blocked me) and then they told me to pass my facebook password to them, which I didn't do either, so I gave up and lost my account

Cuando me di cuenta de que la habian activado fue corriendo a mi gmail donde este me informo que habian cambiado la cuenta de correo y el numero telefonico afiliado asi que desde la cuenta de mi mama les escribi y les pedi por favor y educadamente que me regresaran mi cuenta, lo cual ellos me dijeron que me la daban si les pagaba 50$ (me estorcionaron) y despues me dijeron que les pasara la contraseña de mi facebook lo cual tampoco hice, asi que me rendi y perdi mi cuenta


_Obtain the easiest solution which was to create a new account since that person is not going to unfortunately return it to me, if they can report my old account, it is [Hacked account](https://instagram.com/mariajosearaujo?utm_medium= copy_link) and my new account is My new account

Obte por la solucion mas facil la cual fue crear una cuenta nueva ya que esa persona no me la va a regresar lastimosamente, si pueden denunciar mi cuenta antigua cuenta es Cuenta hackeada y mi nueva cuenta es Link


_Remember to beware of hackers and protect your accounts so that the same thing as my kisses does not happen to them, I hope you liked it, see you in a next post. Bye✨

Recuerden cuidarse de los hackers y proteger sus cuentas para que no les suceda lo mismo que a mi besos, espero que les haya gustado nos vemos en un próximo post. Bye✨

✨Do not forget to like me, follow me and leave your comments
I love💖

All photos are my property, taken with xiaomi smartphone.
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con smartphone xiaomi

✨No olviden darle like, seguirme y dejar sus comentarios
Los quiero💖



Wow that is definitely a scam and to hold your account hostage is A pretty Petty move and it's really good that you just made a new one.

Scammers suck and don't deserve to be rewarded.

If they suck, it was really a good decision to create a new one for me since that person had no desire to return it to me.

Yep you can't actually think that complying will get you what you want and it is much better to just walk off and let them eat the investment of time and effort. Next time just use a better password.

Yes, now that I have a new one, I have a better password so that it does not happen to me again

Yep and occasionally change it! Definitely make life as hard on scammers as you possibly can because they definitely do not deserve to get rewarded for their efforts.

I really love the video of scammers getting their camera turned on while the victim hacks them.

For a while there I was dealing with a hacker however at tech friend of mine got excited and wanted to deal with the situation. One day he come flying over and we smoked a lot of cannabis while he told me a wild story about hacking this individuals computer and changing a bunch of settings so that he bricked the computer and turned it into a pile of junk.

I have to say that he was phenomenally talented however borderline crazy. Never mind I take that back he was completely and totally off his rocker.