Last Thursday started off with this near disaster with my hoses.
I got my money back for the one that burst.
Then later I set up the sprinkler that-looks-like-a-drum-stand
in my front yard and let it run for a bit.
Then later tried using my Electric Remington Pole saw (disconnected from the pole) as seen in the second part of the video above.
I discovered that the oil pump cap
Was broken and all the bar chain oil was just running out.
Spent a lot of time online and in conference with a neighbor who is more mechanically inclined than I am, and even now after hours online and driving from store to store, I only have a temporary makeshift fix for it, and the bigger part of that limb is still hanging from the tree
Having reached an impasse with the saw, I had a few other things to get done, one of them being to collect more stuff from the yard of the HOARDER who had been evicted.
My neighbor who is more mechanically inclined, wanted several things he saw in my photos, and I got that roll of rubber matt for him,
but he was not too happy, because he felt that as long as "the guy"(evicted tenant) was at least trying to get his stuff, he didn't feel comfortable taking anything.
Having been on the business end of 4 evictions myself, I know how it feels, but I also know that if he couldn't pay his rent here to be able to keep all this stuff, he was better off without it, and it would all have been carted off to the dump/landfill.
Legally, once the eviction notice has been served and the tenants possessions have been moved out of the property, by the end of that business day it is fair game, legally.
That being said
When I had stopped by that morning, I called the new owner (his workers are in that red pickup) he told me to come get what I wanted.
I WANTED that Conga drum (which was there that morning)
But wasn't when I got back, but still I got most of those drums, a gas powered Troybilt weed eater,
some concrete pavers, 3, 5 lb iron window sash weights, and a few other accessories
So I now have drums (probably quite cheap) in my studio
I had previously gotten the Sax, but that day I picked up the fox hound hunting horn and the old tambourine
2 months ago, I'd purchased AND installed a "Filtrete High efficiency SMART Filter" for my HVAC system.
Being smart, it was connected to my phone via bluetooth, but I had noticed that it wasn't connected and said time to replace.
That thing was SUPPOSED to last 3 months.
I went back out to the store, and bought TWO regular filters (same company) for $8 less than ONE of the smart filters.
I remembered that putting that smart filter in on Mar 24th was a pain in the Ass. I am 67 (or will be in a few months) and getting down on my hands and knees under the house is problematic by itself, but having to work under there is worse.
This time I got pictures
I sent all this to the company, and they are sending someone out TOMORROW at no charge to fix this issue (now that I have removed the front two screws)

THEN, just as I was finishing up and TRYING to get the cover in place, my phone rang

My Niece's husband who is a quadriplegic and they live about 4 miles from here (I lived WITH them from 2009-2016, and am still considered a part time caregiver) was having issues with his food pump; it makes and insistent beeping sound when the food bags are empty, but this was different, and being OCD myself (I could hear it over the phone) would have driven me insane as well.
So I went over there and fixed it (all I had to do was turn it off) but I was frazzled, short tempered (even more than usual) and I snapped at him, not for calling me but some things I was trying to express, and he wasn't getting it, so I snapped, later apologizing.
So it has not been the most exemplary week for me.
I had run out (or so I thought) of the Opioid Tramadol which I take at night and contacted my PCP.
She said she would send a short supply to the pharmacy, but when I went to get it this morning, the Dr said he couldn't fill it because I had just picked up a 90 day supply on Mar 30!
I said I had not, he said go home and check.
I found it. Egg on Face
So far today all I've done is waste that time running from store to store for the oil cap, unsuccessfully, 2 trips to the pharmacy, and watered my front and back yards.
I DID, however, get a pedicure
At French Nails & spa in Mableton walk
Lost a LOT of dead skin on my heals
Ewwww! Yuck! Me had lots of dead skin 🤣
And now I've spent an hour on this post.
I hope you have enjoyed my travelogue.
"Events, not always what you wanted"
Jerry E Smith
All images original

Jerry E Smith
All images original
Sounds you had quite the day. Good haul from the eviction house. Glad that you got the Feeding Pump to stop making that incessant noise, I always hated machines beeping when an IV was done, a tube feed, etc. Thank goodness this was just one machine. Thanks for sharing your day with us. Glad that your feet are now nice and fresh. :-)
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