Ante que nada un saludos para todos, nueva en Hive y primera vez que escribo en esta comunidad, poco a poco las he ido revisando y encantada y familiarizandome con todo.
Me llamo Yeraldys, y quisiera presentarles la historia de mi sobrino cris, la cual vivimos a su lado y es realmente fuerte.
El principito de la imagen se llama Christopher Jesús, mi sobrino, mientras estuvo en la pancita de su mama, mi hermana, todo transcurrió muy bien, las tragedias empezaron al nacer. El día que le dieron los dolores a mi hermana corrimos a la clínica donde ya se había planificado que nacería, segun donde nos encontrabamos (zaraza, Edo. Guarico, Venezuela).
Mi hermana entro a quirofano pero mi corazón sentía una intranquilidad única, tal vez sea ese sexto sentido que dicen tenemos las mujeres. Pegadita cerca al quirofano muy atenta a todo, escuche un llanto y dije "ya nació" pero igual sentía angustia sin saber por que, para ese entonces yo ni pensaba ser madre. Al pasar unos minutos me dicen que podía verlo por la ventana porque el bebe ya estaba en la incubadora, me asomo y lo veo, y lo vi tan sereno, calmado, sin moverse, sin llorar, que mi corazón latió a mil por horas y me dio un ataque de llanto sin saber la razón, yo solo llore. Le comente a mi mama lo antes mencionado. Pasados unos minutos, sale el medico y nos dice que el bebe esta mal y que hay q trasladarlo de urgencias a un hospital para que sea atendido pues ahí no hay cuidado neonatal, y en tal situación la reacción es simplemente solucionar rápidamente.
En minutos ubicado el vehículo que nos trasladaría a mi mama y a mi, el Medico, si es que se le puede llamar medico (Negligente, irresponsable, y desvergonzado), le ha entregado el bebe recién nacido a mi mama en sus brazos solo envuelto en una manta que lo cubría y morado, si, ese era su color, morado, el bebe ya no podía respirar, el ruido de lucha, el ruido de esfuerzo por querer respirar es un estruendo espantoso, verlo entre morado y verde, el sentir en mi corazón como si en su nariz había alguna obstrucción, es un dolor una angustia que no se le desea a nadie. Es como que tienes el corazón cargado en tus brazos pero a la vez estas transformado en algo muy enorme capaz de hacer cualquiera por la vida de ese bebe.
Llegamos al hospital y gracias a la ayuda de Dios atendieron al bebe rápidamente. La Dra que nos recibió quedo sorprendida de que como era posible que nos mandaron con el bebe en brazos y no en una incubadora con oxigeno. La Dra le dio los primeros auxilio y logro estabilizarlo, pasamos la noche con el, sentadas en una silla y con el corazón en la mano, rezando y rogando a Dios por su vida. Al amanecer la dra nos comunica que no paso bien la noche que debemos trasladarlo para la pascua, el pueblo mas cercano que era el que tenia cuidado intencivo, cuidado neonatal. Rápidamente fue trasladado junto a mi madre y a su papa y los médicos especialistas. Yo me quede al lado de mi hermana en zaraza para cuidar de ella y su cesárea. Al siguiente día yo me fui para la pascua para acompañar y ayudar a mi mama.
Les estoy contando y el temblor me invade.
Al segundo día de mi Cris haber nacido, estando mi mama y yo con él, en el hospital y sin poder verlo, nos avisan que su mama así tenga delicada su cesárea se debe trasladar de emergencia a ver a su hijo porque no se sabe cuanto tiempo mas dure con vida, estas fueron palabras textuales.
Mi madre llamo a mi hermana y contó lo sucedido, su esposo, detective para ese entonces (CICPC, cuerpo de investigaciones penales y criminalisticas), consigue una moto y traslada a mi hermana en un taxi. En el camino hacia el hospital, mi cuñado va en la moto delante del taxi, y mi hermana en el taxi detrás de la moto.
Esperando que ellos llegaran me quede dormida, sentada en el piso encima de nuestros bolsos pero siempre cerquita de donde estaba mi bebe Cristopher. Mi teléfono sonó, salte de un brinco pues estaba dormida muy profunda por tanto llorar y tanto cansancio, eran ya 3 días y dos noches de desvelos. Al atender la llamada, solo podía escuchar "Mataron a jesus, mataron a jesus", en ese instante sentí, como que me habían dado un fuerte golpe en el estomago que me había dejado sin aire para ir a donde estaba mi mama. Sin aire y sin palabras creo haber corrido donde mi mama y decirle: "Mataron a jesus". Son solo palabras todavía no lo creía.
Unos delincuentes habían interceptado a Jesús (el papa de mi sobrino) en la moto, y de frente le dispararon tumbándolo de la moto, el taxista y mi hermana al ver de frente este hecho, dieron vuelta en dirección contraria en la que iban, mi hermana al mirar hacia atrás pudo ver como estos delincuentes disparaban en la cabeza de su esposo.
Muy fuerte que de solo recordarlo se me ponen las manos frías.
Al atardecer de ese mismo día, mi sobrino de forma sorprendente se empezó a estabilizar, y los médicos al conocer todo lo ocurrido empezaron a poner todo su corazón en la recuperación de mi sobrino (La historia es mas larga, pero no la quiero alargar mas).
Luego cuando pudimos conversar con mi hermana nos comento que antes de salir, Jesús había orado y pedido a Dios que por favor no le quitara la vida de su hijo y que si necesitaba una vida se llevara la de el.
Duramos un mes en terapia intensiva, muchas cosas paso mi bebe en ese mes, fue un mes de mucha lucha y recuperación, pero sobrevivió, vivió, respiro, pero perdió a su papa.
Aquí fue cuando ya estábamos e casa y ya se podía alimentar.
Era muy arrugadito como si fuera un viejito. Estas fotos son después de un mes de nacido.
Aquí ya podíamos volver a sonreír y dar gracias a Dios.
Mi bebe por haber tenido un derrame cerebral al nacer, cuando le dieron de alta nos explicaron que en la medida de su crecimiento se podían ir presentando situaciones como problemas en la vista, en el aprendizaje, desarrollo motriz u otros.
Hasta aqui todo parecia totalmente normal.
Después de tanta lucha te aferras a un tesoro.
El problema se presento aquí, y es que cuando empezó su etapa de crecimiento sus piernas se empezaron a doblar mas y mas, y no podía caminar por si solo, luego de acudir a varios médicos, nos explicaron que cada vez que estuviera en periodos de crecimiento sus piernas se iban a torcer mas.
Llego un momento en que camino completamente torcido. De eso no tengo fotos. Pero si de su recuperación.
Luego de tanta lucha se logro en otro país su operación, la primera, porque todavía falta la segunda y nos estamos preparando para ello. Aquí enderezaron sus piernas y son muchos los tornillos y plaquitas que hay metidos dentro de sus piernas para que esos huecitos peguen.
Feliz de imaginar de que ya los otros niños no le iban a preguntar por que tenia sus piernas así.
Hemos crecido, y vamos para la segunda operación, en esta le van ha sacar todo lo que hay dentro de sus piernas. Cuando esta así parado esta derecho pero cuando camina lo hace completamente torcido, pero es que ahora el trabajo es mental porque toca que su cerebro aprenda la manera correcta de caminar.
Siempre con la bendición de Dios y nuestro Jose Gregorio hernandez, con Fe y fortaleza se superan las situaciones duras de la vida y se vuelven historias.
Pero esta es una historia de 8 años de valentía, resistencia y todavía seguimos perseverando porque falta lograr mas.
Gracias de todo corazón si leíste hasta el Final.
First of all greetings to everyone, new to Hive and first time I write in this community, little by little I have been reviewing and delighted and familiar with everything.
My name is Yeraldys, and I would like to present the story of my nephew Cris, which we live next to him and is really strong.
The little prince in the picture is called Christopher Jesus, my nephew, while he was in the belly of his mother, my sister, everything went very well, the tragedies began at birth. The day my sister had pains, we ran to the clinic where it was planned that he would be born, according to where we were (Zaraza, Guarico state, Venezuela).
My sister went into the operating room but my heart felt a unique restlessness, maybe it is that sixth sense that women say we have. Standing close to the operating room, very attentive to everything, I heard a cry and I said "she was born" but I still felt anguish without knowing why, at that time I was not even thinking of becoming a mother. After a few minutes they told me that I could see him through the window because the baby was already in the incubator, I looked out and saw him, and I saw him so serene, calm, without moving, without crying, that my heart was pounding for hours and I had a crying attack without knowing the reason, I just cried. I told my mother the above mentioned. After a few minutes, the doctor came out and told us that the baby was in bad shape and that we had to take him to a hospital for emergency care because there was no neonatal care, and in such a situation the reaction was simply to solve it quickly.
In minutes located the vehicle that would move my mother and me, the doctor, if you can call him a doctor (negligent, irresponsible, and shameless), has delivered the newborn baby to my mother in her arms just wrapped in a blanket that covered him and purple, yes, that was its color, purple, the baby could no longer breathe, the noise of struggle, the noise of effort to breathe is a terrible noise, to see him between purple and green, to feel in my heart as if in his nose there was some obstruction, is a pain, an anguish that you do not wish to anyone. It's like you have your heart in your arms but at the same time you are transformed into something enormous capable of doing anything for the life of that baby.
We arrived at the hospital and thanks to God's help they attended to the baby quickly. The doctor who received us was surprised that it was possible that they sent us with the baby in her arms and not in an incubator with oxygen. The doctor gave him the first aid and managed to stabilize him, we spent the night with him, sitting in a chair and with our hearts in our hands, praying and praying to God for his life. At dawn, the doctor told us that he had not spent the night well and that we had to transfer him to the nearest town that had neonatal care. He was quickly transferred with my mother and his father and the medical specialists. I stayed at my sister's side in Zaraza to take care of her and her C-section. The next day I left for Easter to accompany and help my mother.
I am telling you about it and the trembling comes over me.
The second day after my son was born, when my mother and I were with him, in the hospital and without being able to see him, we were told that his mother, even though his cesarean section was delicate, had to go to the emergency room to see her son because we don't know how much longer he would be alive, these were the exact words.
My mother called my sister and told her what had happened, her husband, a detective at that time (CICPC, Criminal Investigations and Criminalistics Corps), got a motorcycle and took my sister in a cab. On the way to the hospital, my brother-in-law rides the motorcycle in front of the cab, and my sister in the cab behind the motorcycle.
Waiting for them to arrive I fell asleep, sitting on the floor on top of our bags but always close to where my baby Christopher was. My phone rang, I jumped up because I was sleeping very deep because of so much crying and so much tiredness, it was already 3 days and two nights of sleeplessness. When I answered the call, I could only hear "They killed Jesus, they killed Jesus", at that moment I felt as if I had been given a strong blow in my stomach that left me without air to go to my mother. Without air and without words I think I ran to my mother and told her: "They killed Jesus". It was just words, I still didn't believe it.
Some criminals had intercepted Jesus (my nephew's father) on his motorcycle, and from the front they shot him knocking him off the motorcycle, the cab driver and my sister seeing this fact from the front, turned in the opposite direction they were going, my sister looking back could see how these criminals shot her husband in the head.
It was such a powerful event that just remembering it makes my hands go cold.
In the evening of that same day, my nephew surprisingly began to stabilize, and the doctors knowing everything that happened began to put all their heart in the recovery of my nephew (The story is longer, but I do not want to lengthen it more).
Then when we were able to talk with my sister she told us that before leaving, Jesus had prayed and asked God to please not take the life of his son and that if he needed a life he would take his.
We lasted a month in intensive care, many things happened to my baby in that month, it was a month of much struggle and recovery, but he survived, he lived, he breathed, but he lost his father.
This is when we were already at home and he was able to feed.
He was very wrinkly as if he was an old man. These pictures are after he was one month old.
Here we could smile again and thank God.
My baby because he had a stroke at birth, when he was discharged they explained to us that as he grew he could have problems with his vision, learning, motor development and others.
Up to this point everything seemed totally normal.
After so much struggle you hold on to a treasure.
The problem presented itself here, and it is that when he began his growth stage his legs began to bend more and more, and he could not walk on his own, after going to several doctors, they explained to us that each time he was in growth spurts his legs were going to twist more.
There came a time when he walked completely crooked. I don't have pictures of that. But I do have pictures of his recovery.
After so much struggle, his operation was achieved in another country, the first one, because the second one is still missing and we are preparing for it. Here they straightened his legs and there are many screws and plates that are stuck inside his legs so that those little holes stick.cris with the cast.jpg]()
Happy to imagine that the other children were not going to ask him why he had his legs like that.
We have grown, and we are going for the second operation, in this one they are going to take out everything that is inside his legs. When he is standing like this he is straight but when he walks he does it completely crooked, but now the work is mental because it is time for his brain to learn the correct way to walk.
Always with the blessing of God and our Jose Gregorio Hernandez, with faith and strength we overcome the hard situations of life and they become stories.
But this is a story of 8 years of courage, endurance and we are still persevering because we still have to achieve more.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart if you read to the end.
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No puedo ni siquiera imaginar el dolor tan grande que han tenido que afrontar como familia. De verdad, que lo que han vivido no ha sido fácil.
Lamento muchísimo la trágica muerte de tu cuñado a manos de estos criminales, pero estoy segura que ya él está en un plano superior.
Han pasado tantas pruebas y el hermoso ángelito que es Christopher no deja de sorprenderme, cuánta voluntad y fuerza tiene este guerrero de la luz. De corazón Miles de bendiciones para ustedes cómo familia y les emanó que todo siga saliendo bien para este pequeñito hermoso que ciertamente es un milagro.
Un fuerte abrazo @cripto-aprendiz ✨🌞🙂🌷🌺🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻